At the open show at the SouthEast Texas State Fair last year, they showed lops and something else together, I forgot what.. this show wasn't strict on purebreds and stuff, it was more a pet class kinda thing,a friend of mine was showing her lop, and it was pre show, so I walked over and was visiting with her. This lady walked over to her with her lop, they knew each other, and she introduced her to her bunny. (This was before I found this site, and thought the idea of talking to your bunny like a baby was ludicrious, and the lady said *this is LuLu, she's an only child.* I thought the woman was a nut job) ANYWAY.. my point is.. this lop was a french/german mix, and I do recall the weigh in on it was like 8.7 and when I saw pics of yours, I really had to do a double take because it looked EXACTLY like LuLu..
I will call Ms. Bordages tommorrow and see if I can get an email on her friend.. with her being a bunny person..I am quite sure she has a bajillion pics of LuLu..