What Kind of Lop is Max?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Anyone know?

I assumed he was a German Lop bc he looked like so many of the German Lop pics I looked at. Is that not common in the states?




I haven't the slightest idea on his breed, but he's so cute! He looks so squishy and cuddly. What a handsome boy!

He's one of your fosters, right? Are you going to keep him? Or even thinking about it? He's just adorable!
He's about 8 lbs and he's about 4 years old.

Yeah, were keeping him. He's been here for over a year now and we love him.
He looks like a French Lop to me. You said he is four years old and only eight pounds?

If he was a French Lop he shoud weigh around 10 pounds. Darn, he looks so much like a French Lop.
Thats why I thought he might be a German lop- because I read they were bred to be inbetween a French Lop and a Holland Lop as in intermediate breed or something..
Because of his weight, I'd guess he's probably a mix or a runt French Lop (or a giant Mini Lop!). Whatever he is, he's a very handsome man!

Biggie Max is sooooo cute!! :)

His face looks a lot like Barney's though, but I was told he was a Dwarf Lop when we got him and Snowy. Him and Snowy have completely different face shapes, which makes me think maybe different kinds of lop? Or just random mixes.... :?

Sorry, I'm hijacking a bit here, lops just confuse me!! :)
Aww Haley...i have mentioned in your blog ages ago that i love biggie Max....he's so adorable...i just feel like reaching through the pc screen and scratching that cute lil nose of his....whatever kind of lop he is....he's a sure darn cute one :D

Thanks Pam! I knew if anyone would have an idea it would be you :)( I know nothing about Lops! )

And thanks everyone for the kind words- I'll pass those on to the little dude. :)
Yeah I am thinking is a mix also. He could have some German Lop in him. Who knows.

He sure is cute though!!
Haley the only thing you need to know about lops is that they are SSSSSOOOOOOO cute!!!!!!!!!!!! I love thier squishy faces, and thier ears, and thier squishy kissy faces, and the ears, and did i say thier squishy faces!!!!!!!!

HE is really cute.
At the open show at the SouthEast Texas State Fair last year, they showed lops and something else together, I forgot what.. this show wasn't strict on purebreds and stuff, it was more a pet class kinda thing,a friend of mine was showing her lop, and it was pre show, so I walked over and was visiting with her. This lady walked over to her with her lop, they knew each other, and she introduced her to her bunny. (This was before I found this site, and thought the idea of talking to your bunny like a baby was ludicrious, and the lady said *this is LuLu, she's an only child.* I thought the woman was a nut job) ANYWAY.. my point is.. this lop was a french/german mix, and I do recall the weigh in on it was like 8.7 and when I saw pics of yours, I really had to do a double take because it looked EXACTLY like LuLu..

I will call Ms. Bordages tommorrow and see if I can get an email on her friend.. with her being a bunny person..I am quite sure she has a bajillion pics of LuLu..

Tonyshuman, dont feel bad for inquiring about his breed! Im glad you did because it got me asking. Id always wondered but never wanted to bother the breeders by asking :)

Zin, thats really interesting to hear that the bun was a German/French lop mix. Ibet thats what Max is since hes obviously too small to be a French even though he seems huge compared to other lops Ive met!
GoinBackToCali wrote:
and she introduced her to her bunny. (This was before I found this site, and thought the idea of talking to your bunny like a baby was ludicrious, and the lady said *this is LuLu, she's an only child.* I thought the woman was a nut job)
LOL I love this!!! We certainly are dedicated rabbit slaves here, eh? hehe You just had no idea how "nutty" we are (and you would become), eh?

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