what kind of cage do u have?

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I use Cavycages (www.cavycages.com)


I'll be building and NIC cage

EDIT: I'm sorry I didn't realize you were asking for blueprints. Check out cavycages.com. Sorry.:(
Dog crates work great if you put a shelf inthem. I have also built a NIC cage, but I haven't ended upusing anycages in the long runas I have bunnyproofed my bedroom and bathroom,and ended up letting them runloose all of the time:).
I used the cavycages website for mine and itworked great! Sorry to change the topic really quick, but what are NICcages? Anyone have pictures? Just wondering...thanks!
has anyone here made their own rabbit run here?

my dad said he will make my back garden as a wild rabbit run for themall!! but it will be safe for them to play in and they cant get out!!

i was just wondering what ideas their are to make one!!


RusselandRoxy wrote:
I have outdoor wooden hutches with built onruns
AWESOME cages! Where did you find the one on theleft? Handsome looking hutch AND great run!!
For Cocoa who currently lives outside, I havenearly the same hutch setup as the one on the left in RusselandRoxy'spicture above. They are made and sold in the UK. You can buy them asseperate parts or sets. Mine is the top story of the one above and therun, but the run comes off of the back of the hutch.

Maybe it would have been easier to post a picture. Clover gets free runof the downstairs when I am home and has adopted my chair in my officeas her place to sleep at night. I think she likes it because it isusually pushed up under my desk.

Kricket wrote:
RusselandRoxy wrote:
I haveoutdoor wooden hutches with built on runs
AWESOME cages! Wheredid you find the one on the left? Handsome looking hutch AND greatrun!!

Yeh thanks - they are great hutches. But as Jay said, they are made in the Uk and i just got mine from a local petshop! :)

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