What kind of animal is this? (farm)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
I saw a picture of one someone has on here and just loved it! I stopped by a resale shop today and found this little figurine so I picked it up. Too adorable, I think, though I'm not one to usually buy stuff like this.

Still, I really like it.


Leaf - you can keep your bunnies - but I think I'm going to come "rescue" this from you.

With all the flooding you guys get sometimes - the baby and mama need to be someplace safe. We don't have much here for flooding...so we'll rescue them and provide a good home.

Leaf, Macey is a Suffolk sheep (We have one right now - Montel) which is a blackfaced sheep.

Your lambies are lighter in the face so they could be southdowns or Tunis Sheep which are adorable!

Here are some Tunis:



Thanks Leaf! lol. :)

BoB, that's a really cool sheep breed! Do you have a Tunis? I've never heard of/seen that breed before! So unique! I love their lighter coloured faces!

I think that Southdowns have dark brown/blackish faces too though. That's what I've always seen, anyway. :?

No, but we LOVE Tunis and have talked to some breeders about maybe getting one to show. We also love Montadale. They remind me of big white deer! Of course our Suffolk are the best :)

Southdown's sometimes have speckled faces and will look almost a brown color.

We're hoping to go to the NAILE (North American International Livestock Exibition) next month in Louisville during the sheep shows... always fun and a great place to shop and look for breeders!

That's a really cute little piece tho - I love the faces! :)
Are Blake & Christian (sp?) showing there this year? Didn't they show there last year?

I would love to take & show Macey but I recieved some cruel word that she didn't have what it takes to compete in any show, any where.:(

Plus, I dont think I'd be able to trailer her down to Kentucky!! Plus, it seems like NAILE is just a show for livestock on the east coast.

Blake and Christian are Zin's kids.

Luke and Lexi don't have anything to take to the NAILE, but I believe there is a Suffolk National show in Colorado or someplace like that.

We need to be looking for some babies coming up this winter. We have the goat but she's not ready for anything yet.

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