What is your bunny's favorite thing to chew?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
What is your bunny's favorite thing to chew? Also, what are good things one might find around the house that she might like to chew?

Another thing, my bunny likes to try to dig through the carpet and chew on it. Now, I can't state for sure if she tries to actually ingest the carpet fibers she succeeds in ripping out, and I don't want to squelch her wanting to do this, so could you guys also give me your best ideas on what I can put together (whether it's something to purchase, build, or something I can put together from things around the house that she will be ok in digging?

Thanks you guys!! :bunnydance:

(or whatever's on my lap).


#1 reason not to fall asleep in your easy chair.

(especially when your bunny is very angry with you)

books, newspapers, toilet paper rolls, my blanket, carpet, my hair, her own cage - i like to provide a phone book inside of her cage - she goes to town on that and has a lot of fun shredding it to pieces - give that a shot - toilet paper rolls are also fun for them
Cardboard boxes and tubes, books, newspapers, apple twigs, untreated willow baskets, rings, or balls, and a few of the pet store chew toys.

You should stop her from chewing and digging the carpet. If she eats too much, it can block her intestines. I give my buns large boxes with two holes cut in them. I usually stuff them with hay and shredded newspaper. They love digging in there and ripping it apart!

Their current box:

The old, now shredded Bunny Playground and Box Maze:


I used to have a box/house for Shadow but he started chewing on the tape and I took it away..I noticed you have a ton of tape on your boxes, so is it ok for him to chew on it?? Bc when he chewd the box he was also chewing the tape?
They usually left the tape alone. I would cut it or pull it off if they started pulling it up off the cardboard. I would guess that tape is not good for them. Maybe you could use zip ties instead? Just punch little holes in the cardboard where you need to and tie it up. Sisal twine is also okay to use.
My bunny chews on the sleeves of my top when I cuddle her. She's quite sneaky about it, she has usually got a bite before I realise and stop her! It usually makes little V shaped holes.
Well, not too long ago I posted that Raph doesn't do anything bad. Looks like I am now eating my words. :?One night last week he was running around in the bedroom, and I thought he was being a bit too quiet...so I looked under the bed and there he was...phone cord in his mouth. I picked it up to find that it is now severed into four separate pieces. Oh, and the spot where he was chewing the phone cord...there is now a nice little hole in the edge of the carpet as well. :disgust:
I ask all this because, though I've given Bunny different options of things to chew, she hasn't taken to liking any of them. What I've offered thus far: cardboard, wood, toilet paper holder, I've tried giving her a yellow pages book, but she wasn't interested in any of those things. In fact, she quite emphatically took them out of her cage!

Am I missing something here? She really doesn't want to chew on anything other than the hay I put in her cage daily.
His favorite thing to chew (both of them) carpet

Things they like to chew on and are supposed to... toilet paper rolles filled with hay, placed randomly all over room, newspaper ripped and shredded by my gives them hrs of trying to drag it across the room entertainment!
Great idea! I'm going to try that with Bunny (the toilet paper rolls filled with hay)...she was thinking about chewing her toilet paper roll last night. Maybe the additional temptation of hay will encourage her...:D Thank you!

bunnylover78642 wrote:
His favorite thing to chew (both of them) carpet

Things they like to chew on and are supposed to... toilet paper rolles filled with hay, placed randomly all over room, newspaper ripped and shredded by my gives them hrs of trying to drag it across the room entertainment!