What is the Oldest?

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I'm the first person in my family to own rabbits. Mocha is my oldest being 3years and 4 months old today.
My old bunny smokey was around 7 years when she passed away. Pretty good considering she never got hay, only occasionaly got vegetables and was an outside bunny. I was very young when we had her and didn't know practically anything about rabbits. I was the main care giver for her (Like I said, I was very young) so I feel bad that she missed out due to my lack of knowledge. Even though she was an outdoor bunny, she was very loved and got plenty of attention and love from me. She was very healthy and I never once took her to the vet her whole 7 years (around, I don't know her exact age because I can only estimate when she died and when I got her).

My oldest girl now is Pepsi, who is almost two.
Our baby buttercup will be 8 this August. He has more enegy than our other 3, they are almost 3 and the baby is about 11 months old.

I had a really similar experience, Spring, in which I was the main caregiver of my rabbit as a kid. He never got hay either. It actually makes me kind of mad at my parents. I know that if I ever have a kid and he/she gets a pet, I will make sure to read up on the care because children can't be expected to know.

Anyway, Thumper lived to about 11. I still think about him and miss him.:sad:


Basil is 6 right now! He's my oldest. He's so active and healthy, so Im hoping he has many more years left. :)

Rex turned 7 in March, my oldest so far :)
10 years...actually, he may have been older than that. He was a Netherland Dwarf named Bun Bun.

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