Hi, Cadbury's Mom!
The best bedding is Care Fresh. It's recycled paper and is 100% safe. Don't use cedar...or cat litter ; ).
I adopted a rescue bunny at 3 years old. His name is Busterthe Cantankerous, so you can imagine what having him was like atfirst. Everyone on the message board who said to havepatience was right.I think it took about 6 months beforeIrealized how different he was.Remember,Cadbury's probably been through a lot and rabbits*do not* like change. Just sit with your bun. Imade up a song I hum just to Buster. I also have one sound Imake to him all the time. And when I'm finished petting him Itouch him on the bridge above his nose and make the sound so he knowswe're done.
He's been with us for almost 2 years now and is a totally differentbun. He trusts us so he'srarely cranky.But he also has more of a serious personality. No runningaround, no jumping (his back legs were hurt or malformed so he doesn'thave full range of motion). But he's the best bunny I couldever want. Oh, he doesn't like to be picked upeither. But I just remember how much he gives me in otherways.
I figure that to bunnies, where they live should mimic their life inthe wild. Things to burrow in, lots of timothy, oat andalfalfa hays (get from horse breeders), lots of different levels,places to hide. Oxbow pellets are the best forrabbits. If you change pellets do it slowly by mixing in withold until you've switched to 100% new stuff. It should takeabout 2 weeks.Their digestive tracts are very sensitive, soonce you have Cadbury on a particular diet, stick with it.Very little fruit. Buster loves a piece of carrot and/or someparsley or dandelion for a treat twice aday.He developed enteritis once becausewe fed him cereal flakes and cheerios. Big no-no. Ialso found an exotic animal vet. They know more about unusualanimals instead of just dogs and cats. I live in Los Angeles,so it's big enough to find vets like that. Just read, read,read. You'll know your stuff. I know Cadbury'sfound a great mom!
Just wait till he starts grooming you! That first lick is a thrill. You've arrived in rabbit land!
I'm brand new to the forum. I'm glad I found all of you. Nice to hear how much we all love our bunnies.
Yack, yack, yack, yack, yack...jeesh.