What IS that sound?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Okay, I'm not sure if this would fall into therealm of normal rabbit vocalizations or not. I haven'tyetexperienced the wide range of rabbit sounds, so I don'tknow what to call this :p

Sometimes when Peanut's running towards me for something (usuallybecause she wants attention, or to investigate something I have) shemakes this...honking/snorting/growly-type noise that sounds like it'scoming from her nose :?Anyone hear this? It's kind of quiet,but I wasn't sure what it meant...exactly :D
Is it like a buzzing? Fauna does that. It's a sign that they're happy. :)

Also have heard of other Holland Lops that do it. What breed is Peanut?

Love your new Avatar,m.e.!

I love the new avatar too. :)

Chompers makes a noise similar to what you're describing. He does itwhen he's super happy, especially when I'm giving him a treat. He alsodoes it when he's getting his ears rubbed and chin/cheeks scratched. Iconsider it a "Mommy I love you!" sound.
With mine, When they grunt/oink/growl, it's usually is to get attention or as a warning just prior to agressional behavior.

They do , however, grind their teeth gently when they are happy. Tooth purring :p


m.e. wrote:
Sometimes when Peanut's running towards me for something(usually because she wants attention, or to investigate something Ihave) she makes this...honking/snorting/growly-type noise that soundslike it's coming from her nose :?Anyone hear this? It's kindof quiet, but I wasn't sure what it meant...exactly :D
Oh my God! You've described EXACTLY what I was about to makea post about. Iszy does the same thing! I've neverheard anything like it. I thought maybe something was wrongwith her.
m.e. wrote:
Okay,I'm not sure if this would fall into the realm of normal rabbitvocalizations or not. I haven't yetexperienced the wide rangeof rabbit sounds, so I don't know what to call this :p

Sometimes when Peanut's running towards me for something (usuallybecause she wants attention, or to investigate something I have) shemakes this...honking/snorting/growly-type noise that sounds like it'scoming from her nose :?Anyone hear this? It's kind of quiet,but I wasn't sure what it meant...exactly :D
is it really low pictched like a grunt???? because lyla makes that noice around me

Yeah, it's a buzzing! Well, good to know she's happy to see me :D

And yes, Christine has once again provided me with a new avatar!

P.S. She's a mini-lop mix
m.e. wrote:
Okay,I'm not sure if this would fall into the realm of normal rabbitvocalizations or not. I haven't yetexperienced the wide rangeof rabbit sounds, so I don't know what to call this :p

Sometimes when Peanut's running towards me for something (usuallybecause she wants attention, or to investigate something I have) shemakes this...honking/snorting/growly-type noise that sounds like it'scoming from her nose :?Anyone hear this? It's kind of quiet,but I wasn't sure what it meant...exactly :D

Great info everyone I'm going to type something word for word from The House rabbit Hand Book by Marinell Harriman.

Honking/ Oinking

Because rabbits draw very little distinction between sexual and socialbehavior, many expressions are identical. Neutered males andspayed females may still court-circling each other( or yourfeet). soft honking or oinking is a love song, also used tosolicit food and attention. A honk may mean: I want you, ormaybe a treat.

My own words: Faye dose the same thing. When food beingbrought to her she dose laps around me honking and oniking.Or when she wants to be noticed or cuddled with. When shejumps onto the bed she may do a midair honk so I know whats coming(hehe) there soooooooo cute. Oh and i this picture when she follows myhand she is oniking the hole time. She puts her teeth on myhand and move my hand and the game is not to let her teeth get away formy hand at all times. I'll make her chase my hand for 30 min sometimes.


Don't ya love it that with rabbits? So manyquestions seem to answer with "all of the above". Buck'srabbits honk/oink at him when they get angry, while others use it as asign of affection. No wonder why we're all a little"off".

Another good site isbelow. It's got some great information on what their behaviors mean.


Rabbit Language and Behavior:http://www.muridae.com/rabbits/rabbittalk.html

m.e. wrote:
Okay,I'm not sure if this would fall into the realm of normal rabbitvocalizations or not. I haven't yetexperienced the wide rangeof rabbit sounds, so I don't know what to call this :p

Sometimes when Peanut's running towards me for something (usuallybecause she wants attention, or to investigate something I have) shemakes this...honking/snorting/growly-type noise that sounds like it'scoming from her nose :?Anyone hear this? It's kind of quiet,but I wasn't sure what it meant...exactly :D
i have some buzzers.. i love the buzz sound they make when theywant something or are happy...Daphnees defently grunts and oinkstoherself when she is nestled in her pet tax house, and I have one whoevery so often coos like s dove, she does it so well i thought therewas a dove in my house...
Bub says: "huhhh uhhh uhhh umph upmh urr urr WHOOF! mm mm huhhhh whuff whuff whuff"

Noisy little squirt!

I've just read this post and it's made me so happy I could binky round the house myself :D.

Flopsy has been buzzing the last couple of months when I'm lying on thefloor and she's dancing and circling round me for petting.

I've been quietly worriedabout it, but since that's the onlytime she does it I've been telling myself thathopefully itwasn't too serious and I'd wait til I took her to be checked for herspay to ask the vet.

To find out that she's not only fine but that she's showing how happyshe is - well :D:D This forum is wonderful! All those little buzzingbunnies out there, who'd have thought it? :D

very interesting! mr licks makes aclicky/chirping sound at us.. usually when he's happy or wants atreat.. if he's mad he doesnt 'say' anything lol.. princess does it alittle, but rarely..
Rex is a vocal lil' twerp :p, especially when I'mcleaning "his" cage. I couldn't even begin to describe hisfrustrated vocalizations

Aside from the buzzing, Peanut is generally quiet, save for a fewthumps now and then. Kate -lol- I thought there was something wrongtoo. I kept listening for sneezing or snuffling in case she wascongested
Reminds me of that TV commercial for steak sauce (A1...I think).

The one where the guy is sitting at the table with the dog on the floornext to him. They both start eating and when the dog stops you stillhear the guy slurpin away..

Chippy is, by far,our most vocal bun.

This morning she really had her voice. As soon as I opened her cage shestarted. Oinking, grunting, growling. She was pretty much out of foodand harassed me the whole time that I wasrefilling her bowland hay rack. She sounded like a little engine that couldn't getstarted. I'm used to all of this.

What cracked me up is that when I finished and she was chowingdown...it sound like she was humming to herself while she was eating.It was the funniest thing. It wasn't loud, but she sounded reallyhappy. Almost sounded like a human humming.

I love my bunnies!!!!
Pernod is very vocal. She makes a wierd soundwhen she's eating and I couldn't quite think what it reminded me of -until yesterday. I went to a bird sanctuary and was feeding the waterfowl when I thought I heard Pernod. But no, instead it was a duckcharging towards for bread, quacking away. Now I know Pernod soundslike - a Duck!!

ps - The feathered kind - not the mysterious troll that waddles in andout of the forum :p;) - Jan

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