Well-Known Member
Ok Belle has been peeing outside the box alot more lately, well it seems like she will stop and then start doing it again,and it is usaly in two certain cornes. she doesnt do it all the time, she does use the box for the most part. So today i was cleaning it up and i got a wiff of something so i smelt the paper towel that i was cleaning it up with and it smelt fishy, is this normal? i know that if i dont clean the box right away and leave it longer then normal it will smell like that but i have never ever smelt her pee before so i dont know if it has always smelt like that or is there something to be concerned about?
dutch rabbit, 2 1/2 year old , spayed female, single bun at the moment. Eats fresh veggies every morning, pellets at night, which are oxbow timothy hay pellets, and hay available all day every day, also fresh water.
dutch rabbit, 2 1/2 year old , spayed female, single bun at the moment. Eats fresh veggies every morning, pellets at night, which are oxbow timothy hay pellets, and hay available all day every day, also fresh water.