What is binkies?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2006
Reaction score
Marseilles, Illinois, USA
Ok all gotta explain this to me. What are binkies? I'm thinking you mean what we call zoomies when Mopsy tears around his cage like a little mad man. Am I right?
Pretty much. A binky is when then jump up and twist their body mid air. Binkies are often accompanied by mad dashes, or Bunny 500s.
A binkie can mean a few things.

1. just one of many ultimate signs of joy in a rabbit.

2.To let some energy out and make a statment of a free,happy rabbit!(this happened to me when I got a rabbit out of it's cage,it had been sitting in there for months)

3.some just do it to get your attention.

Quote:Abinkie for the most part is a short burst of energy symbolizing a very happy and or spunky rabbit,There also are other well "tricks" that are related or similair to the "binkie" such as jumping up then running then twisting wildly in the air before the rabbit lands.

that's all I know.
Binkies are great! It's a sign of happy/feeling good. "hop, hop, hop-hop, jump/twist/shake my ears" ........

Bo loves to play "get the bunny" and will binky the most when I "get him".... :colors:

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