I had wanted her from the moment I saw her for the first time. My fiance on the other hand didn't at first. But as we kept seeing her there... he slowly fell just as in love with her as I had. He just didnt think we had the room. We have two dogs, a cat and a kitten, 8 female rats and 2 male rats... and now Bella. But I made room for her cage in my office. I spend most of my time in there whenI'm home.When I'm in there with herI just let her roam around out of the cage. Ive had her onlya week and shes pretty much littertrained already.The dogs and cats will wonder in once in a while,so she gets lots of interaction with me and all the other animals.The cats have a "whatever" attitude toward her. The rats want to clean her. And the dogs are very intertained by her. I trust them 110%, but I still wont leave them unsupervised at anytime. All in all Im glad we brought her home and managed to make the room for the last (but definitely not least) member of our very fury family!!