Well-Known Member
First, Kitty's on the right track with her Cals. It was unanimous that she's producing some really nice stock. Where we need some work is the Flops.
Sonny is probably going bye-bye. It was confirmed that he was lacking depth and over-all mass. I said about how he only eats about 1/3 cup of pellets a day. The one judge gave me some suggestions on getting him to eat, so we'll see if that helps. I was also told that dilutes tend to mature slower than their colored fellows, so I'll try the suggestions and see what we have in another 2 months. After that, with no improvement, he's gone.
Adeline's babies are all opal, and the white hairs are just guard hairs that will be gone when they molt. Supposedly. I find it hard to believe, but we'll see. LOL Judge Paul Kyle had some free time (while poor Eric was still judging showmanship) so he looked at her babies for me. Out of the 5 I took, he liked 2 of them. I have the 2 I didn't want to sell still at home (Nora's, who's coloring is now absolutely gorgeous right now!) along with Stephen King and those are both nicer.
Most seem to prefer Roo over Frostie. They like Frostie's shoulders, but Roo has her beat in the hindquarters. They didn't care for Boo, but she's currently going through a ugly phase right now (they're all 4 months old now). Roo and Frostie already went through that stage. I had 4 offers for Rew so far, but still not selling. Those 3 does are going to stay for a bit, at least until they're seniors and definitely done growing/filling out.
I had someone come up to me last night wanting to buy Max. Before they could even finish asking I was like, "She's not for sale, and never will be." LOL
Anyway, I found out that I know what I'm looking at now, so I feel a bit more confident figuring out who to keep and who to sell.
I didn't realize how much I held and cuddled Nestle until this week. I miss him! I can get him out during the day, but then he has to stay in the cage from afternoon until morning.
I keep opening his cage and he comes over to give me kisses. I make sure to do it when there aren't many visitors in the barn (so he doesn't get mobbed), but he misses me too. Just a few more days, but I'm going through some serious Nestle withdrawal.
So far we've sold one of Rosa's little black bucks, one of Adeline's does, and one of Ruby's bucks. I am hoping they'll all be sold so I don't have to drag them home. I have been spending most of the time in the bunny barn, answering questions...and making sure that anyone that buys one of my rabbits knows they're going to be BIG bunnies (even drug one potential buyer over to see Max, to they knew I meant BIG and not Cal size). Lost a few sales, but would rather bring them home than have someone not want them when they get bigger.
Well, break's over...time to head back to the fair.
Sonny is probably going bye-bye. It was confirmed that he was lacking depth and over-all mass. I said about how he only eats about 1/3 cup of pellets a day. The one judge gave me some suggestions on getting him to eat, so we'll see if that helps. I was also told that dilutes tend to mature slower than their colored fellows, so I'll try the suggestions and see what we have in another 2 months. After that, with no improvement, he's gone.
Adeline's babies are all opal, and the white hairs are just guard hairs that will be gone when they molt. Supposedly. I find it hard to believe, but we'll see. LOL Judge Paul Kyle had some free time (while poor Eric was still judging showmanship) so he looked at her babies for me. Out of the 5 I took, he liked 2 of them. I have the 2 I didn't want to sell still at home (Nora's, who's coloring is now absolutely gorgeous right now!) along with Stephen King and those are both nicer.
Most seem to prefer Roo over Frostie. They like Frostie's shoulders, but Roo has her beat in the hindquarters. They didn't care for Boo, but she's currently going through a ugly phase right now (they're all 4 months old now). Roo and Frostie already went through that stage. I had 4 offers for Rew so far, but still not selling. Those 3 does are going to stay for a bit, at least until they're seniors and definitely done growing/filling out.
I had someone come up to me last night wanting to buy Max. Before they could even finish asking I was like, "She's not for sale, and never will be." LOL
Anyway, I found out that I know what I'm looking at now, so I feel a bit more confident figuring out who to keep and who to sell.
I didn't realize how much I held and cuddled Nestle until this week. I miss him! I can get him out during the day, but then he has to stay in the cage from afternoon until morning.
So far we've sold one of Rosa's little black bucks, one of Adeline's does, and one of Ruby's bucks. I am hoping they'll all be sold so I don't have to drag them home. I have been spending most of the time in the bunny barn, answering questions...and making sure that anyone that buys one of my rabbits knows they're going to be BIG bunnies (even drug one potential buyer over to see Max, to they knew I meant BIG and not Cal size). Lost a few sales, but would rather bring them home than have someone not want them when they get bigger.
Well, break's over...time to head back to the fair.