What happens if a rabbit is over due?

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Mar 13, 2005
Reaction score
, Arizona, USA
I just don't know what I'm watching for here,she's not cooperating at all!! Is it normal for the babies to stopmoving so close to delivery? She's just reclining in her nest like itsa vacation spot, no obvious pushing, no fur pulling, nothing. Shehasn't been in the nest until now, I suppose that's a good sign? :?
Hi Rarepup,

Do you have any idea what day she's on in her pregnancy? It can go upto 34 or 35 days, I believe. If it gets to Day 35, Pamnock hasrecommended to many that you take her to the vet.

I bumped up a post for you entitled, "The Bunny - From conception toweaning". It may hope to give you a good indication of what the signsare that you should be watching for.

Keep us posted.

I noticed that one of my girls hung out in hernestbox for a few hours before she gave birth, so it's very possiblethat she could have them tonight. The whole birthing process is ratherfast, so if you want to catch her in the act I would keep an eye onhere.

Has she built a nest yet? They will normally start pulling fur rightbefore they are about to give birth. If she does not have them by the35th day I would take her to the vet to have labor induced.

P.S. Rarepup,

When she does have them, be sure that they all are in the nest and noton the wire. If they are born on the wire, the mother won't take careof them and you'd lose them.

Also, check them every morning to make sure they look like they'veswallowed a ping-pong ball. If they don't have nice fat bellies, butlook shriveled up, the mother probably isn't feeding them and they'llneed your help.

Don't be afraid to touch them as the doe won't abandon them because ofyour smell. Also, after she has them, check all of them out in the nestto make sure none have passed on.

last night was the 31st day since the Buck leftthe scene. She keeps stretching out with her rear in the air but Ihaven't seen her pushing. She didn't build her nest, I put the hay infor her, she "decorated" it around. She won't eat her fresh papayawhich she loves but she's drinking water like she's a never going toget anymore. She's extremely passive right now and I think that's whatsworrying me the most. I've read all the articles, I'll do it againcause my nerves can use it. She's got the hiccups, I didn't knowrabbits could get the hiccups??? Gosh, I don't know if I can handle herbeing pregnant again!! Thank you so much for responding, I waswondering if anyone was reading my letters :?
She is an indoor rabbit and she has herhutchmy bedroom, I can hear everything she does. I willprobably see babies tonight but I don't want to lose my Doe, she's mybaby. My anxiety is overwelming because I don't know if I've talkedmyself into believing she's PG or if she is, now I KNOW she can't haveintestinal movement that kicks like I felt last night!! I'm just beinga worry wart, I almost lost my Bichon Frise dog to a litter of puppiesbecause the Vet was stupid, we had her (the dog, LOL) spayed after thatand I think that's whats going to happen here.
Another sign that I notice with does about tokindle is they steer clear of their food. I've got does that are realovious as they don't even touch their oats! ;)

Day 32 is still in the 'safe zone'. ;)
Yep, she won't even TOUCH her papaya and It'sfresh for her. She's all pulled up into a tight little ballwith her legs pulled in, eyes closed. My poor baby, what have Idone!!!! :shock:
I really hope you get kits tonight.

Someone has mentioned their does have waited until an hour or so before the delivery to nest.

Hello andWelcome to the Forum.I just sawthis post. I hope that all is well. I will be sending prayers your way.I will keep you and your bunny in my thoughts. Please keep us updated.Best of Luck.


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