What happened to going in the litter box?

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New Member
Mar 22, 2013
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Ok, so I have recently transitioned my rabbit into a bigger space. She used to just live in a big cage from Petsmart but she was to big for it so I added on a bigger area with a big fleece blanket, hide holes, toys, etc. That way she can still use the cage but hop around a bigger space when she feels like it. So when she first went into the new set up she peed and pooped everywhere. I knew this probably would happen but I expected it to go away soon because she is potty trained. But it has been a while now and she is still refusing to go in her litter box. Whenever she goes I clean up the mess and put it in the litter box to remind her this is where she needs to go. Yesterday I used white vinegar on the spots where she went but it didn't help any. So whats happened to all that litter box training? The litter box is in the same place as usual but she is now refusing to use it. :dunno: Help?
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