what foods are a big NO to have??

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Aug 27, 2008
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
i have 2 bunnies around 7-8 months old......
and im not that sure what to give them???? because i usally give them apple and colli flower and brocolie and not sure what else to give them......

thx courtney
Hey courts.
Urrrrm for treats/fruit and veges i give them

Apples, banana, carrots, parsley, strawberries, grapes, spinach, thats so far how far i've given my buns but later im going to introduce them to more stuff.

oh and for treast urrm oats, rabbit treats ( expensive in here ay ?! ) and banana rolled in oat is always good lol.

oh and at school i'll gv u a bunny cookie recipe

and and remeber treats and fruits are to be given sparingly as like carrots and that contains alot of sugar =]

hope this helped.
Have you checked out our library? Great place to go! Here's a link on vegetables! Some veggies/fruits are safe, some are not, best to research first. Let us know if you have any more questions. Also, as the article will indicate, best to start buns new to greens out slowly and one at a time to make sure no stomach upset such as diaheeara occurs.;) Start with one and stick with it for a few days before adding any new ones. Best of luck!:D


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