What Does This Mean? (Maybelle Video)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Amsterdam, , Netherlands
I shared this in my blog but I wanted to post here because I was curious if anyone could explain to me what she is actually doing. She is humming the whole time she does this.

Is she just playing? Is she just extremely happy? Hormonal? Wanting to find a spot? I'm just curious as I've never seen any of my other buns do anything like this.

Click for video:

She's having a good time playing with her pillow. Our old boy Ted used to play fetch with a wicker ball. I'd roll it across the floor and he would chase it, pick it up and bring it back, then drop it by me so we could repeat the process.
Lol ok thank you. I was hoping it wasn't just a hormonal thing. Maybe she'll keep doing it after her spay then... :biggrin2:

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