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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
I blocked off the rest of the house so I couldjust hang w/ him in there. 1st, he kept pooping everywhere(he wasn't using a litter box when I got him, but he had had one heused in on and off times, which is probably the problem), then he peedon the floor. Darn it, do you all think it's a mix of newenvironment, just neutered? I think it is, he's doing prettygood w/ the litter pan, considering he didn't have it when I got him,they just had bedding in his whole cage, not in my opinion on how totrain a rabbit. Rabbits don't like change either. Thanks inadvance guys! :foreheadsmack:
I think it was just from the newterritory. Also, could he get back to his cage, or was thatroute blocked off? My rabbits seem more nervous when theycan't get back to their cages and this might make him more likely tomark the territory to make it feel like his own.

Oh, and my best littertrained bun Loki, who was marked littertrained atthe shelter, peed everywhere for the first few days before he settleddown.
No, way to cage was blocked off. Hedid it almost right after I let him out. I think maybe he wasexcited too. Hopefully he calms down a bit. Icleaned his cage today and he is starting to dig the litterout. I keep putting it back in there while he sits in thepan, hopefully he'll get the idea before too long. :?
He was just fixed too, he needs time to settlein & feel comfortable with that & his newarrangements. Remember rabbits & small animals ingeneral are easily stressed, some more than others, so they may needplenty of time to adjust to changes.