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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
, California, USA
Hi Everyone! Not sure if any of you remember, but I have two bunnies, Bunbun (4year old neutered buck) and Mallory (1 yr old intact doe). They haven't been properly bonded, and they're cages are right next to each other, so they are always in view of each other. There have been a few accidents in which one would end up in the other's play area, and there have been occasional scuffles (normally Bunbun will chase Mallory). Things are broken apart before anything happens, but I'm worried that the chances of the two becoming bonded for life are now slim because of these encounters. I am planning on spaying Mallory next month, will that help a bit? Thanks in advance!

Spaying Mallory will probably help some. How bad were the fights? Mocha and Loki fought quite a bit at first, but they thankfully didn't draw blood before they were separated. They needed neutral territory and lots of patience.;)
I wouldn't say the fights were that bad. No blood was draw (whew!), but after today's confrontation, I did see a couple tufts of fur on the carpet. I figure they are Mallory's from Bunbun chasing her. But when one is in their cage, the other always hangs out near it and they eat eachother's hay through the bars! So I'm hoping things will turn out...:bunny2. Thanks!

I've been through it a couple times so I know how you feel. My female rex, Ruby (deceased), was a typical queen rabbit and when we started bonding sessions with Smitty, my easy going little boy (also deceased) it was rough. Both were fixed but that doesn't prevent the usual "getting to know you" stuff. It definitely helps. After session two between Ruby and Smitty, Ruby grabbed him and mounted him. He just took it as a matter of course with a look of terror on his face. But over time in neutral territory they ended up bonding and were completely devoted to each other.Now I have two other rabbits. Ellie and Hazel (a male). Both are fixed and it has taken me about 5 months of working with them to bond them. Ellie is a lot less intense but still the dominant rabbit of the two. Hazel just took a little longer to get the picture. They've been living together for about two weeks now and after about the first 5 days the clumps of fur stopped showing up in their room. Things have really settled down for them and they are quite happy. But believe me, there were days when I would almost end up in tears thinking they would never get along...two steps forward, one step back. Hang in there, it gets better. Spaying will help. Check out House Rabbit Society's info on bonding...http://rabbit.org/faq/sections/introductions.html...especially the article on when the bonding gets tough...it really helped me keep my spirits up. Also after you follow all the suggestions (neutral territory, etc.) there just comes a point when you have to let them take the next step and stay out of it. It's hard but you'll know when it's time. Good luck!
I was just about to paste the link that rubysmom did :)

I bonded two boys, Basil and Max, who fought viciously the first 8-10 encounters. They couldnt even see eachother without going into attack mode. Luckily, neither of them ever drew blood from the other, but there was definitely lots offur pulled!

Knowing it was going to be rough, I did what the HRS article suggests with the car rides, then put them in a neutral area...after about a month of doing this 3-4 times a week they finally decided to like eachother. They are now inseparable.

I would say that after she is neutered, wait at least a month and then try actual bonding. The article will give you good tips. It sounds like they're off to a good start if they can go up to eachothers cage without getting aggressive. Just be patient and know that it may take some time.

Good Luck!

Thanks again for all your tips. That link did give me a little more hope, haha. It's funny Haley, because I was actually avoiding adopting a male rabbit just because of Bunbun due to the fact he's so agressive to Mallory, who is a female! Mallory is getting spayed later this month so I'll keep ya posted!


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