What do you think of this sweet face???

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada


Guelph Humane Society

Animal Type:

Mini Lop






Suitable for a home with children

Cuddly little Mini Lop! Barney is probably a youngadult, though he arrived as a stray and we don't know anything abouthis background. Likes to be cuddled, although the actual picking uppart is still a little scary. Would be happy in a home with olderand/or quieter children.

My hubby and I went to the sheltertonight to meet this little guy. We filled out the app and Ihave the interview tomorrow at 1pm!! His coat is awful...itis all dry and crunchy, and there is no fur on the back of his loppylittle ears...looks like from scratching. They assume he hasbeen outside for a while. If we get him we will be pickinghim up on Thursday night (hubby has a meeting tomorrow evening andit'll be too busy and rushed to really spend time with him).My hubby who is partway thru "Watership Down" wants to name himDandelion. His wee face is a sunny orange colour on one sideand darker with bits of black on the other! He is so nervousand reserved..but you can tell he will be a little bugger giventime!! I must be the biggest sucker in the world...I took onelook in his eyes and I was a goner. So we potentially have aMale lop bunn named Dandelion! :D Wish me luck withmy interview!!!!
Aww! I hope you get him, he is very cute. I just got a newbunny and named him Dandelion (Dandie for short). :)
The interview was fine!! We pick up our beautiful boy tomorrow evening around 5:30!!

His name is officially Dandelion (hubby is reading WatershipDown), Ptarmigan(where he was found as a stray) Da Vinci(hubbys fav book and bunn looks like he was splashed withpaint!)

He is the loveliest bunn...he is a cuddler but he has a mischievousstreak in him just waiting to come out!! His fur is allcrispy and dry, his ears are all bare where he scratchedthefur off of them.But I was petting himlast night and he was snuggled up against me purring his heartout. He is a gentle little soul! He will be a greataddition to the Hooligans!! Wehave a vetappointmenton Tuesday tomake sure he is healthy andto set up theneuter appointment. So we will startto workon ourbonding inthemeantime!! We let theother bunns smellhis scent on stuff but notsee himfor a littlewhile!!It seems to have worked with Solembum...so we will tryit again!!

I am so happy!!I will post pics as soon as I can!! :bunnyheart
