What do you guys think of this little lady?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fordoche, Louisiana, USA

We are thinking heavily about getting Harper a friend. I REALLLYYY want a Holland Lop, but haven't seen one for adoption in this area in forever. And I hate to get from a breeder, because there are so many others needing homes already. I come across this young girl, but they said she doesn't like to be held too much... can she be tamed with lots of love and attention?

She is just one I am looking at... I'm still looking. Opinions? :D

I've checked and checked and CHECKED. If I can't get a Holland, that's okay. We did find one way up north LA a few months back, but it was a breeder. I'd rather adopt one that really needs a home. Kind of like getting a dog from the pound before getting one from abreeder, because they need a home more...
Awww, that is a precious baby.

And it would be so nice to help her seeing as she's slightly special needs. And I bet she would love to have some bunny company.It might bring her right out of her shell.

I think many people can attest that they rescued shy or skittish bunnies and with a lot of work and patience, they have a rabbit with a great personality.

Can you take harper to meet her?
Yeah,I am going to tryto takeHarper togo meet her to make sure that they will like each other. It's a good drive from where I live, about 2 and a 1/2 hours away. I'm going to give them a call and get a little info on her, and see about making some arrangements to possibly go meet her. Harper will be 2 years oldin July, and I wanted an older bunny for him, not really a baby. 3 years old is perfect, and she's been in foster care that whole time, poor thing. :?
