What could be wrong with my Holland Lop Rabbit?

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New Member
Jun 6, 2012
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Northeast, Ohio, USA
Yesterday, my Holland Lop Rabbit seemed fine, but this morning he was lying on his side and wasn't interested in his food. Any idea what could have happened?

The only other thing out of the norm, has been a thick spot of fur on his back that has just begun falling out.

I've sat him upright, but I don't know what else to do?

His diet consists of MannaPro Pro Formula and hay. He has access to plenty of water.

If anyone has any ideas what could be wrong/what I can do for him, I'd be most appreciative.
Is he weak and cant sit up himself? Does his tummy look bloated or feel hard? Is he breathing rapidly? Is his head tilted at a crazy angle? what do his poops look like and is he producing any? You may need to start syringe feeding if he's off food and water. Need a little clarification. Nothing beats a good trip to a rabbit savy vet either.
He can't sit up by himself.

His tummy doesn't look bloated or feel hard.

He isn't breathing rapidly.

His head isn't tilted.

His poop looks kind of mushy.

If I were to syringe feed him, what would I feed him?
If he is laying on his side and can't sit up, you need to get him to a vet immediately! It's impossible to know for sure what is wrong without further testing, but if his fecal poop is mushy, it's possible he has coccidiosis, but whatever it is, it sounds life threatening and will need to be addressed by a vet. He most likely is dehydrated as well and needs sub q fluids right away.
is he eating on his own at all? He needs to be syringe fed at the least if you cannot get him to a vet. Also if you have any probiotics try to give him some of those. You can syringe feed critical care if you have it on hand. If you dont then mush and mix his pellets with water. They need to have a 'cow patty' consistency for him to easily swallow them. Water also needs to be syringed. With my 4lb rabbit I was syringing 30cc or ml three to four times a day. He really should be seen at a vet though

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