New Member
i need to know quickly the yellow is just the sun's glare
It would help if we knew how much she weighs, howold she is and a full body picture including the ears.
thank you we needed to buy a female for breeding
Can I ask a question? Why would you considerbreeding when you don't even know what breedyour rabbitis? This irks me to no end.
I've said it once I'll say it again Read Before You Breed.
Without papers you have no idea what is in your rabbits past.You can be passing along any number of health problems to innocentbabies.You are just asking for trouble. A million and onethings can and do go wrong. Any of whichcan lead to losingthe doe, the kits or both.
Rabbits can have up to 12 kits. Are you prepared to find goodhomes for that many babies. It's not easy. If something goes wrongthere is the added cost of vet care.
Not all does are natural born mothers. What are you going to doif the mother rejects the litter and you have to hand fed all thosebabies every two hours.
The list goes on and on and on. I hope you reconsider and Do Not Breed!
AWESOME advice Jeremy!! :highfive:my mom has a point. if you dont know what breed it is, thenDONT BREED IT. IT COULD BE SICK OR HAVE SERIOUSPROBLEMS.
I dont know if its a law all over the US ..butinNJwhen you buy a ferret they come already altered b/c it isillegal to breed them w/oa liscence....i know it would pushup the price of buns, but maybe it would be good to push for thesame...itcould possiblycut down on problems such asthis...and ward awaysome shady owners!