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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
I bought a rabbit from the pet store, where theytold me that it was a dwarf. but when i looked online, the only dwarf ifound was a neatherland dwarf, but the ears are smaller then those ofmy bunny. I dont know what breed she is, but I would like to know. Ifanyone could help me, that would be great. I dont know how old she is,but she was 4 lbs last week, a little bit before this picture was taken.


I could not see her picture. Down her the petstores seem to save every bun is a dwarf. I cannot wait to see her asshe probably is a little mixed bun being 4lbs.
this is dream gals bunny...


I'm not sure what kind it is...looks small like a dwarf but the ears are big....
Welcome to the board Dreamgal042.

My rabbits are exactly the same colour as yours. They are Albino Polishdwarfs - but like you said the ears are very much bigger than those ofmine.

Please click here as there is a link to a site that is about bunnybreeds. Also take note of Buck Jones' post about petshops not alwaysbeing acurate about breeds! Or of course like Carolyn said on there -there always Pamnock who might know LOL:D:D:Dhttp://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=537&forum_id=1


PS look at the pic of mine - as you can see her ears are a lot smaller


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