What breed is my new baby bunny?

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Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, , United Kingdom
I've just got a 6 week old rabbit from my local pet store. It's a trustworthy indie store that has a good relationship with local breeders and they said this one was bred in a "family home". They also said he was a cross when I asked what breed he is. Can anyone shed any more light on his breed/s for me?

He has light brown fur with a grey tinge and white tips on his paws, white belly and a white tail. His eyes are brown and his ears point upwards.

Thanks in advance. I'm new to bunny ownership so any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

to resize the page and zoom out (like I did to read as much text as I could without scrolling as much) press ctrl and -, and it will zoom out. ctrl and + will zoom back in when you're done.
The photo is HUGE for me, but he kind of looks like a young Creme D'Argent (USA)/Argente Creme (BRC). Google some photos of those breeds and see what you think, since the color of the photo will not be true to color in person. Basically, they start out pretty orangey as babies and then get lots of ticking as they mature.

They aren't overwhelmingly common here in the U.S., so I wouldn't normally throw that out there as a possibility for a pet story bunny. But your photo appears as though he has a little ticking maybe? And the color almost appears right.

It would also be consistent with the agouti markings you're describing IF Creme's are an agouti based color. I think they are, but I'm not 100% sure on the genetics of them.
Her coloring is gorgeous! She looks a little like my bunny Phoenix! Unfortunately I cannot help you on the breed, I have had countless guesses from Lop/Rex cross to others. :/

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