what breed is my bunny?

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
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, , USA
Can anyone tell whatbreed our bunny is by these photos? He is only 8 weeks old inthese photos. He has a very flat face. His hair iswooly and rather cream colored. His face and ears are dark.His ears are horizontal alot but don't hang beside his face. Thanks!

okay...I've learned that I'm not the onlyone who has trouble with photos! I'll work on it AND THENthere will be a photo to see!

Are both the first posts about the same rabbit -- or are two different people asking about 2 different rabbits?

It's hard for me to see because the photo is so small. Is thecoat very short? How large is the rabbit? Assomeone mentioned, it may be a Rex or a Mini Rex(maybe a Lynx-- too hard to tell from the photo).

If the photo of the rabbit in post #2 is the rabbit refered to in post#1, you had mentioned that the ears are often held at the horizontal,indicating a weak ear base, which could lead us to believe that therabbit is the result of a mini rex or rex and lop cross. Oneof these crosses is commonly called the "Mini Plush Lop".



He is a short hair his ears are always "up" there thin.... they told mehe was a dwarf....thats all i know. And yeah thats him on my couch hejust learned to master the art of couch jumping!!!:D
The rabbit mentionedin the first post isn't the rabbit shown in the second...The first oneis mine and I STILL haven't been able to get a photoinserted! I'd be happy to email one to anyone that will tryto figure it out for me. I DO know how to do that:)
I have found thatwww.ripway.com VERY helpful...if youhave a pic saved on your computer you just up load it on here......ifyou need help i can help ya it took me a few tries but i got itmastered lol i think ....but still i cant do my avatar :(
Well, I thought thatwas what I was using but I was actually using the villagephoto part ofit....Now I'll try ripway....I'm holding my breath...



THAT is Sebastian!!!!

Absolutely tooooooooooo cute!!!!!! Heappears to be a fuzzy (wooly) Holland Lop with lots of earcontrol. You need to brush the coat a lot or shearit off. The soft wool of the fuzzy Hollands matts very easily.

The color is tortoise shell.


RasberrySwirl374 wrote:
Can anyone tell what breed ourbunny is by these photos? He is only 8 weeks old in thesephotos. He has a very flat face. His hair is woolyand rather cream colored. His face and ears are dark. Hisears are horizontal alot but don't hang beside his face. Thanks!

okay...I've learned that I'm not the onlyone who has trouble with photos! I'll work on it AND THENthere will be a photo to see!
I think that it is a cashmere. Mine is a cashmere.Cashmere have dark faces and ears. But it could also be angora beingthat its only 8weeks old
Flopsy wrote:
I think that it is a cashmere. Mine is a cashmere. Cashmerehave dark faces and ears. But it could also be angora being that itsonly 8weeks old

Most definately *not* an Angora :)

The Cashmere, a wooled lop breed,is a popular British breedweighing over 5 pounds. They are accepted in about 30different colors. They are similar to the American Fuzzy Lop,but larger. The bunny in question is most likely a"fuzzy" Holland (common in Holland Lop lines), andmaysometimes be called a Cashmere by those looking to make aquick"buck" (pardon the pun) in theUS.Thefuzzy Holland Lopdoes nothave the desired texture of wool that the American Fuzzy Lophas. I was playing with a beautiful American FuzzyLop baby this weekend, from one of the top breeders in thecountry. It's wool was absolutely heavenly! (And verydifferent from that of the Fuzzy Holland Lop).

Flopsy wrote:
Didn't think that it was angora. I didn't know what colorsthey came in. I have only seen white ones so far.

Angoras also come in a rainbow of colors with over 30 different varieties!

Sebastian's coat issoft as down. It's terrible to work with...he has a ton oflittle mats down close to his skin and I have been working a little bitevery day to try to comb them out. I'm worried about himgetting to hot (we are in Kansas and it's already been 96 degreesoutside). His two brothers didn't look like him. Could hejust be a fuzzy "mutt" rabbit???

RasberrySwirl374 wrote:
Sebastian's coat is soft asdown. It's terrible to work with...he has a ton of littlemats down close to his skin and I have been working a little bit everyday to try to comb them out. I'm worried about him getting tohot (we are in Kansas and it's already been 96 degreesoutside). His two brothers didn't look like him. Could hejust be a fuzzy "mutt" rabbit???

What do his 2 brothers look like?

You can take sharp scissors and carefully cut Sebastian's coat off. He'll be much happier.

I think I will dothat. I have five kids and I'm thinking no one wouldappreciate the time I'm putting into Sebastian's coat! I haven't seenhis brothers for a couple weeks but when I last did, they didn't havenear as flat a face.They were pretty much solid colored andmuch shorter hair.This is him and a brother at about 6-7weeks old.

RasberrySwirl374 wrote:
I think I will dothat. I have five kids and I'm thinking no one wouldappreciate the time I'm putting into Sebastian's coat! I haven't seenhis brothers for a couple weeks but when I last did, they didn't havenear as flat a face.They were pretty much solid colored andmuch shorter hair.This is him and a brother at about 6-7weeks old.

That photo is beautiful! The boys look like HollandLopswith a lot of ear control. "Fuzzies" in theHolland litters are not unusual.


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