Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me what breed these baby bunnies look like that are at Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control?
Not Fluffy, he's obviously not "with" the other bunnies and looks like a Holland Lop or Mini Lop in spite of them saying he's an English Lop mix. I'm curious about all the babies. They all came in on the same day and are 11 weeks old. To me they look like a larger breed. Usually our shelter has 0 bunnies or just 1, 9 is completely uncharacteristic and I'm worried sick about them. The shelter DOES euthanize rabbits if they have too many. Normally they aren't at risk since they have so few bunnies but this is completely out of the ordinary. I called the shelter and they confirmed that they do euthanize buns if necessary. They've all been there (including Fluffy) for almost a week now! Plus I called to report a stray bunny and if they catch him it would make 10... Biting my nails here!
Not Fluffy, he's obviously not "with" the other bunnies and looks like a Holland Lop or Mini Lop in spite of them saying he's an English Lop mix. I'm curious about all the babies. They all came in on the same day and are 11 weeks old. To me they look like a larger breed. Usually our shelter has 0 bunnies or just 1, 9 is completely uncharacteristic and I'm worried sick about them. The shelter DOES euthanize rabbits if they have too many. Normally they aren't at risk since they have so few bunnies but this is completely out of the ordinary. I called the shelter and they confirmed that they do euthanize buns if necessary. They've all been there (including Fluffy) for almost a week now! Plus I called to report a stray bunny and if they catch him it would make 10... Biting my nails here!