what breed do these babies look like (somewhat urgent- buns at shelter)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2007
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Alaska, USA
Can anyone tell me what breed these baby bunnies look like that are at Fairbanks North Star Borough Animal Control?


Not Fluffy, he's obviously not "with" the other bunnies and looks like a Holland Lop or Mini Lop in spite of them saying he's an English Lop mix. I'm curious about all the babies. They all came in on the same day and are 11 weeks old. To me they look like a larger breed. Usually our shelter has 0 bunnies or just 1, 9 is completely uncharacteristic and I'm worried sick about them. The shelter DOES euthanize rabbits if they have too many. Normally they aren't at risk since they have so few bunnies but this is completely out of the ordinary. I called the shelter and they confirmed that they do euthanize buns if necessary. They've all been there (including Fluffy) for almost a week now! Plus I called to report a stray bunny and if they catch him it would make 10... Biting my nails here!
For the red eyed whites id say new zealand. Susan im not sure. Mike i'd say some kind of wool breed mix is possible? Unless he is just loosing fur? Carlos also? Orson and bree im not sure. I agree with fluffy mini or holland.

Any kind of agouti mix rabbit is so hard to tell if they dont have defining characteristics because that color is in alot of different breeds.

I would agree that they look to be 6lb and up buns
Sarah, the people at the shelter said all the buns are from the same litter (other than Fluffy, of course, since he came from somewhere else). Interesting that they got 4 colors of babies in the one litter! Susan looks like she's lighter brown than the other agoutis and Mike is black.
Ohh that makes a difference. Chestnuts can have a varying color even from babies in the same litter. It depends on how much rufus they have. Chestnut is usually dominating and REW masks other colors. Chestnut color is not recognized in New Zealands but REW and Black is. The REWs short and commercial body type made me think new zealand but mixed breed littermates can look completely different from even the parents. I am at a loss for a specific breed but maybe one of the parents was a NZ or NZ mix
Bree looks to me alot like a Chinchilla. Orsin looks like some type of a lop mix. They're all really cute-I hope they find homes super soon!
With those ears that tip over on the ends I would guess they are half english angora (the wool gene is recessive)
Thanks for the replies so far! Lindsey, that's a really interesting thought. I was wondering why his ears were tipped over like that!! Are there any other breeds with ear tips like that? There aren't a lot of Angora bunnies here (the fair usually has about 75 bunnies and only 2 or 3 are Angoras) so it seems kind of odd that rabbits ditched at the shelter would be half angora, but you never know.

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