What Breed Are these Two?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
A met a nice lady on line last night. She asked ifI could help her figure out what her two babies are. As I am new tothis I told her I would look. I have no clue. She doesn't know how oldthey are. The pet store she got them from had no idea and told her theywere mini. If you go to


there is a pic she sent me of them.

Thank you

"All" buns purchased at pet stores automaticallystart out as "mini's and dwarfs." It is only afterthey get into your home that they "morph" into "other" breeds and mixedbreeds. This amazing transformation has nothing at all to dowith the fact that "mini's and dwarfs" seem to sell more quickly towould-be pet owners because of the implied promise that the animal willstay as cute and cuddly for the rest of its life, as it appears in thepet shop, at the not usual, but unhealthy, age of six weeks.

The transformation only occurs because the pet shop has made a genuinemistake, or has been misinformed about the background of the rabbit bythe dastardly backyard breeder.

Would you like another rabbit, by the way? This one isguaranteed to be a micro-midget. Trust us, your local, ornational pet shop...would we set you up wrong, intentionally?

Carolyn wrote:
THISis a job for:Pamnock!


LOL Carolyn :)

The bunnies look like little mixed breeds with a Dwarf influence due tothe fact the ears are shorter and narrower than largerbreeds. The first one appears to be a broken chestnut incolor (known as "butterfly" pattern in the UK), the other is chestnutin color. The broken color may be due to the Lop influence,as lops have been mixed in with many other breeds, but are not verycommon in the Netherland Dwarfs. Broken is a common varietyin the Polish (but the Chestnut color is not).

So cute!!!! :)

And I don't know why you guys feel the need to bash pet stores all thetime. Peppy, Megan and Tyson all came from the pet shop and all turnedout to be exactly what they were supposed to be. So..I dunno..maybeAmerican pet stores are way different.

P.S Megan has the same ball as your friends bunnies! lol
MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
So cute!!!! :)

And I don't know why you guys feel the need to bash pet stores all thetime. Peppy, Megan and Tyson all came from the pet shop and all turnedout to be exactly what they were supposed to be. So..I dunno..maybeAmerican pet stores are way different.

P.S Megan has the same ball as your friends bunnies! lol
I have no experience with pet shops outside of theUSA but yes USA pet shops for the most part suck big time.very, very few good pet shops in the USA. Wish there were manymore better ones.
Well, that's too bad...the pet stores heregenerally seem to be very knowledgable. When I was getting Peppy thegirl told me everything I should and shouldn't do, she said he was 4months old, full grown and wouldn't get any bigger. And he hasn't, he'sstill the same size. You guys need more pet stores like ours! :)
Pets at Home have been brilliant with us... andthe rabbit is what they say it is... lol Now, lets see howbig he gets! ;)
Thank you Pamnock. Wls4303 simply adores them. Butthe pet store wasn't able to tell her anything but the price. Shedoesn't care she loves them anyway. She was just curious.

Again Thank You.

Hi All,Wanted to say thanks for all the help with finding out what kind ofbabies I have. I love them no matter what kind they are. lol They areso cute you can not help but love them.

Thanks for helping and for being there. In case I need help.

Wanda, Cutie, & Buddy :)

MIA Indy.jpg
I think they are mini rex crosses maybe dwarf minirex.the colors are right and when you mix a rex coat with a regularcoat you get a regular coat which is what these appear to have.manypetshops are selling 4 week old bunnies they want them small so peoplewill buy them.they are breaking the law but they dont care.bluebird
I feel the same way. My little Mocha I found waspurchased at a pet store, and they was told she was a "dwarf". I reallydon't think she is, but I love her all the same. She is most definetlythe love of my life and has brought me do much joy!
:)Thanks to all for your help. Theydid say something about them being dwarfs but you never no. But we lovethey what ever they are. lol:D

Wanda, Cutie, & Buddy

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