What are you getting you're pets

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
So far the only present under the tree is for Sparky...

It's a little plastic box with 10 diffrent toys..

I plan on getting him some more stuff.. even for laughs I would like to get him a GIANT bone.. hehe.

Babii is most likely going to get a rainbow brick mat.

Also i'd like to get her some toys, instead of treats..
Chickens and ducks: extra heated food

Cats: turkey and ham

Dog: probably a new collar and name tag, she doesn't like to play or eat doggie treats so theres not much else for her.

Rabbits: No idea, have to have a look in the petshops.
Well, I actually started the animals' Christmas a long time ago - before the economy fell to crud!

  • Bunnies - a play hut thing
  • Horses - Candy canes and apples
  • KC dog a soft stuffed bone
  • Sydney - a rubber chicken
  • Tank- a scrunchy, foil like ball thing
  • Diesel - a catnip sheep
  • Sheep and goat got their coats but we want to get them a ball too

Well, for Bill I got him one of those cottontail cottages and the maze thing - he is a spoiled little bunny. I also bought a bunch of NIC panels so I could make his cage bigger and of course I'll be preparing to find him a girlfriend after the holidays, though that is a secret present.

The mice are getting some of these peanut treats they like - I'm sure they are terrible for them but they love em. :biggrin2: I also bought them a second tank and these connector tubes so they can have more room to frolic. And 2 more spinner wheels so they can each have one - since they bicker over it.

Stan the man (ball python)... gets.. well... nothing really. He doesn't really like anything. Maybe I'll get him a new hide. :D

Oreo, my cat, is getting one of those live cat grass plants to munch on and a new scratching post. And some yummy wet food!
SecurityStacey wrote:
Well, for Bill I got him one of those cottontail cottages and the maze thing - he is a spoiled little bunny. I also bought a bunch of NIC panels so I could make his cage bigger and of course I'll be preparing to find him a girlfriend after the holidays, though that is a secret present.

The mice are getting some of these peanut treats they like - I'm sure they are terrible for them but they love em. :biggrin2: I also bought them a second tank and these connector tubes so they can have more room to frolic. And 2 more spinner wheels so they can each have one - since they bicker over it.

Stan the man (ball python)... gets.. well... nothing really. He doesn't really like anything. Maybe I'll get him a new hide. :D

Oreo, my cat, is getting one of those live cat grass plants to munch on and a new scratching post. And some yummy wet food!
Hi don't mean to be mean. But You don't feed the rats to the ball python do you?

Well We got Roger a really big new hutch like 2 weeks ago witch he already has made look a year old with all the chewing( He gets out for 2hrs everyday so that's not the reason he just does it to annoy me I think LOL)

Suki I don't know yet.

And all the others will do there shopping christmas eve.

Right now I may not be getting anything for my pets....we're so short on money...:(

I want to get them at least a bag of treats or something, but I'm not sure if that will even happen! I'd be lucky enough to even get to the store to get them their presents! I haven't done any christmas shopping for my friends yet, either and I feel awful about that :(

This is what I'd like to get them though. Really, I'm only buying a few specific things for some of them, and the rest are just going to get a whole bunch of things, like treats, toys, hay racks, etc.:

Magic-Star: A burgundy harness w/ matching lead. 1 red, and 1 blue rope figure-8 harnesses, as well :) Since he destroyed two of his others :p

For my cat, Charlie, I'm going to get him a teal cat collar :) He got a rabies tag when he went to the hospital, so I'm gonna get him something he can actualy put it on! If I could find a tag to put his name on, he'll get one of those too!

And for the sheep, a soccer ball or basketball...the fish, nothing really. Maybe a plant or a hidey-place. For my dog, i have no clue....I think we're getting him a collar and leash....? lol.



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