What are you doing to help not get the flu?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
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, Pennsylvania, USA
Do you have any secret weapons that you take or do to ward off colds and flu's?

I have been making my Fruit smoothies, it has bananas, strawberries and bluebnerries, I have been adding some super juices with things like Acai', and this other drink mix that has tons of vitamin C. I have also added Vitamin D to help. I am hoping that all the vitamins will help me from get ting anything,lol

So what do you do to possibly help? Are you taking anything or doing anything that you think will help you come cold and flu season?
I'm pretty lucky since I work at home and don't come into contact with too many people. I think I stand a better chance than most at not getting the flu this year.
I make sure I wash my hands a million times a day and try not to touch my face or eat with dirty hands. Also wiping down keyboards, phones or anything else you use on a regular basis helps.Clorox wipes are your friend, lol. I"m kind of a germaphobe, especially when people are sick around me.

Thankfully I haven't had the flu in years and I hardly ever get a cold. Which is amazing since my mom is a grade 1 teacher and is around sick, germy kids all day. I guess washing your hands works :)

Getting the flu shot helps too ;)
Nothing to be honest, I was brought up around animals all my live and because of it I have a good immune system and rarely pick up things that are going around. Having everything squeaky clean in your house and stuff is actually bad.
I am not doing anything different than normal.

I have eczema on my hands, which is for some reason really bad this year, so super-frequent hand washing is out, and I absolutely can't use hand sanitizer. (I wash my hands when necessary, of course, but I don't add in extra hand washings. I think I would die from pain if I applied sanitizer to my hands.)

I agree with the premise of the flu shot, but I don't think it's practical. Every year, about halfway through the flu season, I hear how the strains of flu going aroundare not the same as what was in the vaccines. Last year, everyone I worked with who got the flu shot ended up getting flu later on, anyway, because the virus strains were different. Since my insurance sucks, the flu shot is more expensive than I am willing to pay for something that only has a low chance of protecting me. If it were free, or less expensive, I might get it.

I haven't had the flu in many years, so I fully expect to get it at any time.

ouch Eczema on your hands Beth,that has to be a pain, especially since your hands are always out in the elements and get wet and stuff like that.

The flu shot isnt even in the equation , i will not get the reg or the H1N1 shot, neither will my kids, i think what is in the shot is more harmful then the flu.

Oh another thing i am doing in my house is NO kissing on the mouth if you want to kiss each other good night or good bye i kiss the kids on the cheeck and they kiss me on the cheek,lol.

i am hoping that all the fruit and the vitamin D it will build up my immunity better for this year. Most years arent too bad, but last year was insane with the amount of times everyon got sick and i even got something, which is nofun
I do major hand washing and I keep sanitizer on me at all times.

Exzema on your hand my neice has it on her legs and arms and back but we have been able to keep it under controle with medicine.

I dont get the flu shot. But not working right now I should be ok but hubby works in a hospital so who knows this year
I faithfully get the flu shot, got it a few weeks ago. I've been getting it for the past 16 years. I've never been sick with the flu shot just once they ran out of shots a few years ago and I got really sick 2x. I also wash my hands when I finish walking the dogs and use the hand sanitizer in my car alot.
Ritual hand washing LOL! Seriously, washing my hands ALOT more than I usually do, and using hand sanitizer, especially when I'm on campus with all of those sick college students....also trying to get as much rest as possible. We'll get the flu shot in a couple of weeks, as well.
I have eczema on my hands too... I still wash as much as possible - yeah it doesn't help the eczema. I agree, it is a bit worse this year than in the last 2 years or so. On the subject of hand washing, I also use the paper towel that was used to dry my hands to open the door of shared bathrooms like the one at work - you never know...

I plan on getting the flu shot as well. I am also getting the winter gear out early. Scarves, hats, gloves. Better warm than sorry :)

I didn't have the flu for many years. Then last year I got hit with it and I DID get the flu shot, and again I got really bad flu in June. It was dreadful. Flu in the summer time :(
My Mum works in the "swine flu" building and what they're saying which would apply to any flu really is, WASH YOUR HANDS, don't cough into your hands -cough into your elbow. Use a tissue once and wash hands after. Also with the flu jab, basically its pointless as by the time its developed it's designed to attack the last strain of flu so not applicable to the new one......But don't make your home an ultra clean place because having a sterile house means theres also no good bacteria, which can help build up a defence :) Im quite happy that flu seasons over for us now. Bring on summer :biggrin2:
kirbyultra wrote:
I have eczema on my hands too... I still wash as much as possible - yeah it doesn't help the eczema. I agree, it is a bit worse this year than in the last 2 years or so. On the subject of hand washing, I also use the paper towel that was used to dry my hands to open the door of shared bathrooms like the one at work - you never know...
I do wash my hands anytime it is necessary. My eczema is definitely much worse this year than it has been in quite a while. It's on my palms and between the fingers, and can be painful when it's flaring up. I have a prescription steroidal cream that sort of helps, but it messes with my blood sugar.

I do always use the paper towel to open the door in shared bathrooms. I have seen co-workers come out of a stall, then leave without washing their hands. GROSS! I get really irritated when I encounter a public restroom with the air dryers and no paper towels.

I have also stopped touching the handrails at work, and I keep my lunch in my locker, rather than touch the handles of the communal refrigerators.

I have greatly increased the amount of fruit and vegetables I eat, so hopefully that will help.
Fancy77 wrote:
Luvmyzoocrew wrote:
Fancy77 wrote:
I have built a sick proof shack that I will be moving into after Halloween... lmao
ha i would love that,lol, as l ong as the kids werent allowed to come with me,lol
OMG That is a MUST!!!!
Beware of the Attack Rabbit :)
i could post that sign and it be the truth since i have a Cujo for a rabbit,lol

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