What an awful weekend and start of week!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Bedfordshire, , United Kingdom
This weekend and today has been awful for me.

I am still learning to drive a car, and me and my dad drove to Kent onSunday. I was driving along a 3 lane road doing 70mph, and aPheasant started running in the road ahead of me.

I cant believe I didnt think to break at the time. I jusy kept thinkingto myself "run faster you silly bird!" but it was too late:(It really didnt boost my confidence to drive.

On top of all that, I went into college today (Monday) to find that the restaurant was broken into.

(I do a catering course, and we have our own restaurant to serve and cook in)

The ****ards broke into the college, and went to floor 5 where the restaurant is situated and trashed everything.

There must of been 200+ wine glasses smashed everywhere, the fridgesbehind the bar were smashed and all the alcohol was taken from themall. The till had been launched across the room, there was wireshanging from the ceiling. They even smashed the trophys on display thatthe department had won over the years.

Also my teachers knive set had been stolen, so theres somebody walking around with a set of knives on them :?

Its just so upsetting to see it all and experience it. There are some really nasty people out there!

Sorry if I am going on about it, but I need somebody to talk to about it or I will have to smash something :p

RIP Pheasant :tears2:

aww, I'm sorry you had a bad weekend... here! take one of these:hug1
As for those *@$%&#!! people who broke into the restaurant atyour college, I'd like to give 'em a piece of my mind! Grrrr!:mad:
Its awful what those people did. Don't give upon your driving, I am sure you'll be a pro soon, almost everybody havea smallaccident here and there.
Aww Linz, I am so sorry :hug:

The same kind of thing happened to me when I first started driving. Afemale pheasant was on the other side of the road, and ran across to myside to avoid a car coming towards her. It took me ages to get over it,but pheasants aren't the brightest of birds in the brain department :(.

It's a worrying thought that some yobs are out there with a set of knives. I hope you manage to get the department sorted out!

Linz_1987 wrote:
On top of all that, I went into college today (Monday) tofind that the restaurant was broken into.

(I do a catering course, and we have our own restaurant to serve and cook in)

The ****ards broke into the college, and went to floor 5 where the restaurant is situated and trashed everything.

There must of been 200+ wine glasses smashed everywhere, the fridgesbehind the bar were smashed and all the alcohol was taken from themall. The till had been launched across the room, there was wireshanging from the ceiling. They even smashed the trophys on display thatthe department had won over the years.

Also my teachers knive set had been stolen, so theres somebody walking around with a set of knives on them :?

I am a big believer in karma. Rest assured,this will come back to haunt them. :)
Aww thank you so much for all your support! :D:hug:

The rest of the week must get better! :?:)

The theifs also left the tap running in the sink all weekend so itflooded the restaurant. And its starting to dry now and the woodenpannel flooring is warping really badly, so we have to have a whole newfloor too :shock:I hope the insurance covers it all.

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