Well-Known Member
Oh geez, this was one rough morning.Last night was our roommates 40th bday party, with open bar, so my hunand I got a little tanked. Got home, (dotn worry, we had adesignated driver!) and passed out. Well bright and early,there is a scuffle in the bunny cage. I bolt awake, jump overpoor Shawn who is trying to sleep to see what was up. Gir waschasing Guin :shock:
I seperated them, did a check over to make sure there was no injuries then tried to figure out what the heck was going on.
Well after about 30 minutes of me staring at the cage blankly, Iwatched Gir crawl over to Guin, stick his nose under her tail and startsniffling. Well I guess Guin didnt take to Gir being freshbecause she took off and Gir proceeded to chase heragain.
Guin isnt alarmed, her posture is still relaxed, nose isnt goingfrantically, but there are clumps of white fur around thecage.
Me thinks Gir is coming into his hormones and Guin doesnt much care forhis pushy advances. A little later I took a look and Gir wasgrooming Guin's ears. So I dont know what is going throughthat little mind of his. So now poor Guin has herbutt pushed up against the corner of the cage while Gir is hoppingaround.
I cant wait until Gir is old enough to neuter already!
I seperated them, did a check over to make sure there was no injuries then tried to figure out what the heck was going on.
Well after about 30 minutes of me staring at the cage blankly, Iwatched Gir crawl over to Guin, stick his nose under her tail and startsniffling. Well I guess Guin didnt take to Gir being freshbecause she took off and Gir proceeded to chase heragain.
Guin isnt alarmed, her posture is still relaxed, nose isnt goingfrantically, but there are clumps of white fur around thecage.
Me thinks Gir is coming into his hormones and Guin doesnt much care forhis pushy advances. A little later I took a look and Gir wasgrooming Guin's ears. So I dont know what is going throughthat little mind of his. So now poor Guin has herbutt pushed up against the corner of the cage while Gir is hoppingaround.
I cant wait until Gir is old enough to neuter already!