What a day...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...*sigh*

Today wasn't the best day in the world, but it has a happy ending, so no worries...

Yesterday morning, I awoke to find that the dustpan & attached handbroom had been turned over on top of Maisie's cage, and she had eaten a good ten to fifteen of the plastic bristles. Right away, I knew I would have to keep an eye on her, and did just that. I figured at first, her lack of poops was just because she isn't very active during the day. Then I figured that if she didn't have anymore by nighttime, I would schedule her for a vet visit. By the time we went to bed, she had pooped a few little poops, so I thought she would be doing better. So, we went to bed (as it was around 3am...I waited that long).

This morning, I noticed that she had pooped more, but that it was a mere 16 poops total, so I knew she would have to go in. Now, keep in mind that the ONLY reason I didn't rush her right over was due to the fact that she was still eating like normal, and wasn't lacking in activity in any way. If she had also stopped eating, she would have gone RIGHT THEN. (Just wanted to include that information.)

Okay, so I called and made an appt, my stomach turning the whole time in thinking that I might be losing my baby, at her mere six months of age. We took her in, they did a couple of x-rays, and found that she was passing the plastic just fine, didn't have any blockages, and merely has a bit of gas from it all. They gave me some meds to give her for it, and told me she should be just fine. *sigh of relief*

I have to admit that I never realized just how quickly you can lose your little sweet bunny. She was so wonderful at the vet...she even wanted me to hold her like old times (she climbed up my chest, so I picked her up, and she settled right in and immediately calmed down...it was so cute).

What a nerve-wracking day!!

The good things about the visit, besides my baby being okay...

- They definitively told me my Maisie is indeed a little girl. Since I'd never had her formally sexed, there was always that little part of me that hoped I'd been correct in calling her "sweet little girl" all this time. :)

- She officially weighs about 4.5 lbs, which is actually more than I thought. This means that Flower probably weighs around 6lbs...wow!

- They checked her teeth and claws and said all was well on those fronts, and let me know she's a very healthy bunny otherwise. :)

My brave little girl!! She let the vet assistant pick her up, and she was so happy to cuddle up with me while we were waiting. She wasn't scared in her carrier on the way there or back, and was just wonderful!! I love my sweet little brave bunny!!

So, Flower and Maisie are gonna do a Happy Bunny Dance that Miss Maisie Bravegirl is okay, and that she didn't have any life-threatening effects from eating that dang handbroom. :embarrassed:


What a Stinker! She's had it out for that handbroom for a while, since she hates that it always takes away her shreddies and the hay and poops that end up on her floor. She chases it around and bites at it while I'm cleaning her cage...enough that I have to wear a glove when I do it, just in case! LOL!! I'm not surprised she decided she had to do away with it! :tantrum::rollseyes:

Needless to say, after all this, the handbroom lives somewhere far from her home now!! :foreheadsmack:

So, my love to you guys, and to those that have lost their sweeties due to things like this. I now can relate on much more of a scale than I could before.

My love to you all!! :inlove::sunshine:

P.S. After all this today, I thank my lucky stars for every day I have with my sweet babies. It's just never truly real how fragile their little bodies are until you're faced with the possibility of their life ending because of something just plain dumb that I neglected to put away before going to bed. :heartbeat

Oh, another note...I would have reported things as they happened, but the computer puked yesterday morning...ACK!! :banghead Of all the times!!! :crash
Holly hates the broom as well. We dont use a plastic bristle broom, we have a rubber broom. Its's so cool. I picks up all the little pieces of hay that Holly has decided that she's too good to eat them and would rather throw them on the floor. But ohh does she hate that broom with a passion. I tend to think that she's more and more "like me". She doesn't like to keep things clean. :shhhh

maherwoman wrote:
What a Stinker! She's had it out for that handbroom for a while, since she hates that it always takes away her shreddies and the hay and poops that end up on her floor. She chases it around and bites at it while I'm cleaning her cage...enough that I have to wear a glove when I do it, just in case! LOL!! I'm not surprised she decided she had to do away with it! :tantrum::rollseyes:

Lol...daisy...that's so funny!

The funny thing about all this is the fact that I have tended toward the area of caution the whole time I've had her, as far as things being in her reach (of course, the cords I hadn't thought of, but we'd had mesh on that part of Maisie's cage, so she couldn't get them anyway).

I've been known to get up in the middle of the night because I wanted to be sure nothing had been scooted too close to her cage by the cats!! I've been that careful!!

Wouldn't you know, the ONE time....and of COURSE she would go for the broom...she HATES it! I think she was intent on ending its existence slowly but surely. LOL!! :D
Im glad to hear that your baby is okay!

I know it can be so scary when something like that happens. Sometimes I feel like such an overprotective parent. Itsjust that rabbits are here for such a very short time anyway, and I want to make that time as long as possible!

I hope she is feeling all better...accidents happen to all of us and she's lucky to have such a caring, responsible mommy!

Aww...thank you Haley. I love her so much...it's just killed me all day knowing I might lose her! Hopefully she starts eating and pooping soon, now that she has her meds in her system! :)
ATTENTION!! Maisie has officially left me a nice, dark brown, pile of poos!!!! YAY!! I'll of course continue giving her the meds...but I wanted to report to ya'll about the wonderful news!!!!


I'm so relieved!!!!
Yay for Maisie,i'm so happy to hear the good news,there is nothing like a big pile of bunny poops to put a smile on our faces when our buns have been feeling sick.

Good girl Maisie,make lots of little mountains of poopies for your mummy


Wow, talk about a scare! Well, I'm glad she's okay, AND that she's officially a girl! :) Hopefully she won't have any more run-ins with brooms in the future.
Hehe...that dang broom lives quite a ways from her cage now...no more accidental moving with that one!!

Yes, I'm very happy with the fact that she's got quite a mountain (in fact much more than normal, too) of poop in her box now. :D

Good girl!! :colors:

Funny how wonderful bunny poop is...lol!!

And, yes, I was quite relieved to hear that she was, in fact, a girl...I was hoping against hope that I hadn't been calling her "girl" all this time, when she was a boy. Hehe!! I wasn't too worried, though...she's got quite girly features (and the vet even mentioned that she really acts like a girl), though I hear that sometimes that's not enough of an indicator. Lol!! Stinky bunnies...playing guessing games about their genders!! :D
maherwoman wrote:
I love her so much...it's just killed me all day knowing I might lose her! Hopefully she starts eating and pooping soon, now that she has her meds in her system! :)

i know exactly how it feels! now i can understand what it feels like to almost lose them! for about a day it looked like we were going to lose petey!his only other option was surgery:shock:...

SO glad to hear that maisie is doing better!:elephant::bunnydance::colors::bunnydance::elephant::bunnydance::bunnydance:i hope she continues to do well! yay for poop!:bunnydance:

that nasty old broom! peapoo has never liked the broom either..the second she sees it she runs up and attacks it:shock:

LOL...yep...those brooms are so evil to bunnies!!! LOL!!

Yep...I completely and totally know how people feel now, in almost losing their babies. :( Though I have to admit that I was hoping it would never happen to me/us, I now join the club in knowing how it feels to feel like you're going to lose your baby, and also in the relief of knowing that isn't the case anymore, and she's now fine.

Keep me updated on your Petey boy, ok? My thoughts and hugs to you both!! :inlove::hug:
Lol...how did I know that would be asked again? LOL!!

Soon......I promise....soon...:)

Thanks for the hugs...to yours as well (though I think I might have already said it, anyone could always use more hugs)!!

I will keep you updated! :)

peapoo_bunny wrote:
:yeahthatyou keep us updated on maisie!!

hugs to you and the buns:hug:

oh and have we gotten any more flower & maisie pics yet..lol;)
Oh my, I'm so glad Maisie's okay!!! YAY for bunny poopies!!!!

I can fully relate to your fear! 6 months ago, Harper had a run-in with eating stuff he wasn't supposed to... his bedding! This was when I was still trying to litter-pan train his mischeviousbutt. 1 day after the incident, all bedding was gone from his cage, and all he had was a litter pan. He's well trained now!

Anyways, I noticed he wasn't eating or drinking or pooping but one or two tiny poops. He was also hunched over... and this all happened within a matter of hours! It HAD to be a weekend, of course! I rushed him to an ER vet, who took an x-ray and gave him some meds to get things moving. The following day was Monday, and we went to see our regular vet, who took another x-ray, and more meds. He barely poopied for 3 days, even after increased meds. He was already booked for surgery, then I woke up the next morning, and his litterbox was OVER-FLOWED with poopies! They said the blockage must've pushed through, and all the backed up poopies came flowing out! I was never happier to see poopies in my life!

That's also when the vet recommended that he be put on Timothy based pellets. He was on alfalfa at the time, as I wasn't fully "bunny smart". That's when we switched him over, and I swear, the amount he poops now, compared to when he was on alfalfa, has TRIPLED! It's unbelieveable...

I know what you mean...Maisie's been having a HUGE amount of poopies! The first day when she started pooping again, it overflowed her litterbox, too! Must be what was backed up coming out...:)

Between that, and the fact that she's using her second litterbox as a "nest" for a phantom pregnancy right now, she's got A LOT comin' out! LOL!!

MyBoyHarper wrote:
Oh my, I'm so glad Maisie's okay!!! YAY for bunny poopies!!!!

I can fully relate to your fear! 6 months ago, Harper had a run-in with eating stuff he wasn't supposed to... his bedding! This was when I was still trying to litter-pan train his mischeviousbutt. 1 day after the incident, all bedding was gone from his cage, and all he had was a litter pan. He's well trained now!

Anyways, I noticed he wasn't eating or drinking or pooping but one or two tiny poops. He was also hunched over... and this all happened within a matter of hours! It HAD to be a weekend, of course! I rushed him to an ER vet, who took an x-ray and gave him some meds to get things moving. The following day was Monday, and we went to see our regular vet, who took another x-ray, and more meds. He barely poopied for 3 days, even after increased meds. He was already booked for surgery, then I woke up the next morning, and his litterbox was OVER-FLOWED with poopies! They said the blockage must've pushed through, and all the backed up poopies came flowing out! I was never happier to see poopies in my life!

That's also when the vet recommended that he be put on Timothy based pellets. He was on alfalfa at the time, as I wasn't fully "bunny smart". That's when we switched him over, and I swear, the amount he poops now, compared to when he was on alfalfa, has TRIPLED! It's unbelieveable...
Aww...thank you! I love posting pictures of them, too! :)

We've been incredibly busy lately, too.

peapoo_bunny wrote:
we want to see the cuties!!!! can you blame us?:wink:

ive actually been to busy lately to take pics..with all thats going on

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