Our Rocco has developed a new issue. We switched him to an all-hay diet this past month because of a digestive issue and it worked. Because he really increased his hay consumption he also drinks a lot more water. We noticed his chin was often wet so dried it off regularly and trimmed the fur a bit, and also switched to a more shallow bowl so his chin doesn't get in the water. That helped some and we are working on getting him to drink from a bottle (no luck yet!) But he keeps losing fur under his chin and today I noticed a little red bump next to his mouth. The vet said his teeth were in good shape at his last visit a few weeks back. The soonest I can get an appointment to check this out is 2 weeks (only rabbit vet anywhere in our area.) I suspect it may be a fungal infection but won't know until then. Is there anything I can do to prevent it from getting worse between now and then?