West Nile Virus, Heartworms??

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA
I know that mosquitoes can bite rabbits....does anyone know if rabbits have
been known to get Heartworms? I found a very small article about the West
Nile Virus but, all it said was that rabbits have gotten it.

Are either of these "diseases" something to worry about (like we don't worry
about enough things!)? Does anyone know?

I've never heard that rabbits can get heartworms. West Nile, though, makes me nervous...:shock:

I'm so glad all my babies are inside, because our neighbors havecreated a mosquito breeding ground next door :X If one of my furkidsgets sick, they're gonna know about it!

I tried doing a google and couldn't find much on it but maybe Pam maysee this post and she may be able to help you or someone else who knowsabout this topic.

Won't be long and someone will happen along who will say ahhuhuh .....

Good luck in your search.
I don't know ofa case where heartwormshave actually been diagnosed in a rabbit, however, heartworms canaffect many species of animals. The heartworm larvaegenerally don't survive as well in other animals as they do in theirprimary hosts -- dogs.

If Ivomec is used for pinworm or furmite treatment, the heartworm larvae would be erradicated.

****"If Ivomec is used for pinworm or furmite treatment, the heartworm larvae would be erradicated."****

This is good to knowand good to keep in ones firstaid kit ( little paper to refer to ) .Its too bad it wouldnt workthe same for Dogs. Treatment for Dogsis very expensive with noguarentee of eradicating theworms completely .

Ivomec is commonly used for the treatment ofheartworms in dogs, but it cannot be used for certain breeds.In fact Ivermectin is the main ingredient in Heartgard, one of the mostcommonly used Rx heartworm medication for dogs. A regulartreatment program is necessary because dogs are so easily re-infested.

I keep Ivermectin in my "medicinechest". I know it's good to use for mites & pinwormson/in the rabbits. I also know that it can be used for a dogsinfestations.

But......NEVER use it for your cats...it will kill them!!!

Just in case someone was thinking that this would be a good idea! :?
My vet told me that it's not known if dogs orrabbits can get WN yet. There is no vaccine for small animals yet sothere's nothing that can really be done. On top of that, the only placea mosquito can actually bite a rabbit is on it's ears and nose, unlessit has very little hair or bald spots.
pamnock wrote:
Ivomec is commonly used for the treatment of heartworms indogs, but it cannot be used for certain breeds. In factIvermectin is the main ingredient in Heartgard, one of the mostcommonly used Rx heartworm medication for dogs. A regulartreatment program is necessary because dogs are so easily re-infested.

Thanks Pam its been a longtime since I allowed a dog intothis place , Last Dog I had inrescue was severly infested with Heartworm , Theywere doing treatment with aninjectable but I was never told what itwas , It was in thehospital for weeks and when it was ableto return herethey said there was no gaurenteethe heart worm wascompletely gone ,.
dootsmom wrote:
Ikeep Ivermectin in my "medicine chest". I know it's good touse for mites & pinworms on/in the rabbits. I alsoknow that it can be used for a dogs infestations.

But......NEVER use it for your cats...it will kill them!!!

Just in case someone was thinking that this would be a good idea! :?

Ivermectin is approved for use in cats -- I've used it for years on mycats and it is the main ingredient in Heartgard for cats.(like any medication, certain animals may have a serious reaction tothe drug).

gypsy wrote:

Thanks Pam its been a longtime since I allowed a dog intothis place , Last Dog I had inrescue was severly infested with Heartworm , Theywere doing treatment with aninjectable but I was never told what itwas , It was in thehospital for weeks and when it was ableto return herethey said there was no gaurenteethe heart worm wascompletely gone ,.

If a dog is infested with heartworms, treatment can be very tricky andis long-term because it is dangerous to kill off the heartworms all atonce (may cause a fatal blockage in the heart).

Prevention is the best and safest option.

Hi, We have a "gentleman farmer" nearus that used the Ivermectin on all his "barn cats"...he killed themall! Perhaps he used too high a dosage.
Could have overdosed, they may have had agenetic sensitivity or may have been heartworm infested and died fromthe over kill.

I recommend consulting a vet before using Ivermectin.


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