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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Mr. Stee and I got back from our vacation latelast night. Really late, like 2 am! We geeked it upat Gen Con, the biggest gaming convention in the world! Nowwe need to move the rabbits back home from the pet sitters and put awayall the stuff we bought.

Soooo, what did I miss?
Well, the buns are a little snotty but they'llbe alright. Mocha hasn't let me touch her yet, but the firstthing she did was run into my bedroom and flop down so she'll bealright. Neither of them gave me the butt, though.

One of the bunsitters has been in and out of the hospital the last twodays so the cage got pretty dirty. They'll have stained pawsfor a while but it's not too bad. I just hope my friendstarts feeling better soon.

Gypsy: I brought home games. Lots and lots of board and cardgames. James and I dropped several hundred dollarsEACH! And now that I'm home I'm farther away from youagain. :dunno:But you're welcome to come and play them anytime!

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