Went birthday party shopping today...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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6 days until my little man is 6! :cool:

The great thing about this time of year is that most of the stuff atthe party store is Easter-related, and thus there are a lot of rabbititems to choose from.

I got plates, streamers, rabbit garlands, bunny signs, birthdaydecorations, rabbit decorations, wrapping paper and presents, and evena crown (his name does mean "King" you know, no offense to KingSherman).

I've still got to pick up a few more gifts, cake supplies, and pizzafor the guests, and on Sunday (after church) I'll be coming home todecorate before the party, and before people arrive.

Am I crazy? Why ever would you ask... :p
Oh my gosh, I love it. It's so funny but reallysweet. Jeremy and I had a small party for Apollo. My husband thought wewere crazy when we broke into Happy Birthday Apollo Wollo lol. I wish Icould come. Such a thoughtful mommy.

My bunny b-day is the 14th ofMarch and he will be 5 and my b-day is the 18th of March and I will be39.

When is your bunny b-day? Delia
I'm sorry, Delia.

I'll pay closer attention. I have had a very busy life as oflate and did some traveling this weekend, so I'm really behind in myreplies. Promise to get to you. Please don't takeit personally. The board moves so fast that it's very hardfor me to reply to as many posts as I'd like to.I'll go see what I've missed from you right now.

People would be you :p...and Hannah.

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