Well I think I have a problem

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Active Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Florence, Mississippi, USA
My bunny Lucy gave birth at 1am on January 7th. I have been watching her and her babies closely and when she sleeps i can see movement in her belly. I think she is still pregnant. Oh and by the way she has not been with a male not even for a minute since days before the birth. I did my research and found out that she could be pregnant with 2 litters at one time. If that is whats going on what kind of problems do i need to watch for and what do i need to do to keep her and her kits healthy and happy during this ordeal.

greatly apreciate the help
Sorry not gonna get help from me as i know nothing. about this stuff.... How are the first set of babies doing?? Do u still see movement in her belly?? If so i would take to the vet or find an experienced person to palpate her to be sure there no more babies in her.

Best of luck Rebecca
Is it possible it is Peristalsis which is a normal gut movement that you can see in some bunnies? It looks like a rippling along the body.

Do you know when Lucy was last with a male?
Hmmm, well today is the 12th, if she was still pregnant with the same litter then I doubt they would be alive and moving, they wouldn't be able to stay alive that long after the others have been born. Unless like you say, she has a double pregnancy but that is extremely rare and I'm yet to hear a story about it, although some of the older breeders may have heard/experienced it.

The movements could also be normal stomach movements when they are digesting food, in my rabbits if you look closely at their stomachs you can sometimes see them moving, and one is a buck.

If she is eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, doing all the rabbity stuff and acting herself and caring for her kits then I'd say she's fine, if she is acting funny, grinding her teeth and hunching up then you may want to bring her to the vet to check if there are kits she didn't pass.I don't think it's worth stressing her out though, bringing her in to see if she has another litter in her, especially when it is so rare.

A few more questions that might help are, was the buck bigger then her? What way was she bred?
the babies are doing great. They are beautiful. I cant wait until they start moving around and exploring their surroundings. I just build a nice big hutch for them to live in when they are old enough to leave the house.
last time she was with a male was several days before the litter was born probably around the 3rd or 4th or maybe a little sooner I cant really remember how long she has been inside
The buck was smaller than Lucy and im not rally sure what you mean what way was she bred. I put nova and lucy in a cage together and left them together until she started to make a nest and brought her inside. I hope that answers the question.

Thanks for all the help guys that really puts my mind at ease.
um, i have not been reading all of this, but i think maybe, im not sure, you are ment to take male away 1 or 2 days after mating.....
im not sure
Yeah that little bit of information did not find me until too late. I did not know that they could carry two litters at once. and since the rabbits were getting along i didnt see the harm at the time, as long as daddy wasnt around when they were born. But i know better now and wont let it happen again. But i still am trying to find out what if any extra care lucy may need to care for 2 litters instead of 1.
i think so. So far all of the kits are nice and round through the middle :D I should be able to feed them if i need to. I have done it with puppies and kittens in the past and since rabbits only eat once or twice a day and not every few hours it shouldnt be too hard. But while she can i will let her do it.
I doubt she is pregnant I agree with Flashy its most likely the gut moving. :)Its very unusual for them to get pregnant again when they are already.
After the intial breeding you are supposed to take them away right away. And then put them back to make sure they are pregnant like a hour later. Don't ever let males or females live together in unspayed and unneutered.

Are your rabbits purebred?

If you do end up having to hand feed them then make sure you buy kitten milk replacer. It is the best. I don't remember what kind, so maybe someone else can help you with that.

How many babies are there? I am glad to hear they are all fine with nice round tummies!

There are 7 of the little angels. 5 black , 1 white with black spots, and one red with black spots.

I now know that they should never be left together, but at the time they got along and i only had the one hutch and i didnt see the harm. I have since built another nice size hutch for lucy and her babies when they are old enough to go outside, or the weather warms up a bit. Right now they are in my room because we are getting hard freezes at night and i think they are way to young to be out in that.
Wow ... amazing. My bunnies are just a few hours older than yours. I have 4 new kits. They were born on the 6th of Jan at 10.10pm. But I didnt know that actually you can feed the kits yourself. How did you do that? Is it neccessary?
Wow ... amazing. My bunnies are just a few hours older than yours. I have 4 new kits. They were born on the 6th of Jan at 10.10pm. But I didnt know that actually you can feed the kits yourself. How did you do that? Is it neccessary?
sha10ly88 wrote:
Wow ... amazing. My bunnies are just a few hours older than yours. I have 4 new kits. They were born on the 6th of Jan at 10.10pm. But I didnt know that actually you can feed the kits yourself. How did you do that? Is it neccessary?

You only hand feed kits if their not being fed by their mother. sha10ly88 as far as I know your mumma's feeding hers fine so theres no need for you to intervene:)
PepnFluff wrote:
sha10ly88 wrote:
Wow ... amazing. My bunnies are just a few hours older than yours. I have 4 new kits. They were born on the 6th of Jan at 10.10pm. But I didnt know that actually you can feed the kits yourself. How did you do that? Is it neccessary?

You only hand feed kits if their not being fed by their mother. sha10ly88 as far as I know your mumma's feeding hers fine so theres no need for you to intervene:)

Aha ... ok. I dont have to worry about feeding them. Thats great.

But can i know out of my curiosity. How did u actually feed by hand? Is there a video or something where I can see? :p

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