Welcome Pristine

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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2004
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We adopted Pristine (Lenci's niece) lastThursday. Pristine is a 6-week-old Jersey Wooly and sheweights 1 lb 8 ounces. Iszy got really depressed after Lencipassed away and sheneed someoneand so did Jason andI. Pristine has been such a joy. She's alreadybrought smiles back into our house. So precious and innocent.








She's precious! :inlove:

Absolutely a Doll.

Shuu wrote:
You better watch her. Looks like she'll be a troublemaker!:D
She reminds me of a mix between Angel and Lenci. She loves to get into things already.
I don't have much experience with babybunnies. Are there any resources here or elsewhere regardingtreat introduction, health, behavior, etc.? She is 6 weeksold.
She is so adorable, youare so lucky to have her. I bet Lenci is happy too because she doesn'thave to watch you and Iszy being unhappy.
Iszy is definitely entertained. Sheloves to watch the baby bunny through her cage. She eventried to bite her in the face already (that's a good sign - she used tobite Lenci in the face too). :D I think that'sIszy's way of saying you are my friend. She's happy to have anew pet. :D
That little one is too cute! What awonderfulgift Lenci has given you. I've had acouple of little ones, if you have any questions, just ask.

I actually do have quite a fewquestions. Maybe you could private message me with some ofthe stuff I should know about baby bunnies?
What a damn gorgeous bunny you have. Withoutsounding cheesy the girl in the photographs is beautiful herself.Nothing unintentional meant there but compliments should be given tothose who deserve it ha ha
pinkyp wrote:
What a damn gorgeous bunny you have. Without sounding cheesythe girl in the photographs is beautiful herself. Nothing unintentionalmeant there but compliments should be given to those who deserve it haha
Why thank you. :)*blushes*

You will never guess what happened!! When I came home forlunch I picked up Pristine and as I started to pet her she started tomake the same noise with her mouth that Lenci made!!:(:)OMG! I just cried! Then I look downinto her cage and noticed her toy inside her food bowl! Whatthe....maybe this is a little Lenci I have?! :D
Aww Lissa, its great to see you again. I was sosaddened when I heard about Lenci and I really wanted to send you mycondolences.

You really have got yourself a beautiful baby there :inlove:.

I alsoagree with Pinkyp - you are looking really beautiful!

Congratulations and I'm glad your back with your new addition!!



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