weird thudding.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
, New Hampshire, USA
I was allowing Smudge to run in my living room when I noticed something weird.

When he passed this one spot on the living room carpet he would eitherjump high and to the side, or I would here this weird thud and he woulddart.

Why is he doing this?
Hello Neighbor !!!a binky is this weirdlittle head shake andthe the butt end does a 180 *if you get the chance toobserve it it can be hysterical, they really get a goofy look on their facejust before the head twitcheslol

He ould alsohave found a smell there that hedoesnt like and is Thumpingit Most times Thumping is a danger signel, or their not pleased over something, I have one Buck whowill thump when he wants attention , thegoof ! he would take all the loving youcan give him , stop for a minute and hethumps at ya itskinda cute , but annoying wheni am trying to clean cages.
When I got my first rabbit, I thought it washaving spasms or seizures or something. She would jump uplike popcorn and shake her whole body mid-air. I was sorelieved when I found out it was a binky and a sign of happiness.

Is this what your Smudge is doing?


bi1526 wrote:
When I got my first rabbit, I thought it was having spasmsor seizures or something. She would jump up like popcorn andshake her whole body mid-air. I was so relieved when I foundout it was a binky and a sign of happiness.

Is this what your Smudge is doing?


Wasn't it weird to see the binky for the first time?:D First time owners are told SO much, but no one evermentions how a happy bunny acts.


It is the funniest thing!!! One day he took a running leap out of hiscage and landed ontop of Stitchs, and slide off the top behind it... itwas so hallrious!!! I never laughed so hard in my life!!
:D A binky it is :)!

He did it again today and I observed more closely to notice he shookhalfway in the air. They are really funny to watch! He is really comingout of his shell. He loves my mom's rocking chair (marked it with theside of his mouth) and has been befriending the cats even though theyare scared of him.

I love my little guy