weird sleeping position

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2005
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Saratoga, New York, USA

Flopsy Cuteness, our new bunny, is settling in perfectly...

Yesterday, I was on the phone and she did the strangest thing...I'veseen Mindy (my lop) flop down and just go to sleep- on her side....but,Flopsy flipped over on her back- legs straight up in the adying cockroach...I wouldn't have believed my eyes, had by kids notbeen there to witness it...then she did it like 4 time later in theevening...has anyone ever had their bun sleep in crazypositions? It cracks me up....


Wow that is a funny thing to see I bet!

I bet you were worried at first LOL, These Bunnies seem to think it'sfunny toi scare us don't they with their weird behaviour :D:D:D

All part of the bunny humour no doubt!:p
Snuggy alwaysflops over after her morning playtime. Baby usually comes upand gets right beside her. It is so cute. When Babyflops over, you can see the place where there isn't any fur on herbelly because she was shaved when she was spayed.

When my Hol girls do it, it's pretty funnybecause they have so much extra skin. It looks like a floppy beanbagwith legs sticking out the top.:p

I saw a bunny at the humaine society laying flat on his back like that. I called the attendant to make sure he wasnt dead lol.

The first time I saw Mija flop I thought she was dying as well. I ranover and stared shaking her lol. She kind of just looked at meperplexed.

My rabbit Flo did that once....she was lying withher head poking out ofher cardboard playbox and allher feet in the air and her eyes closed. She seemed to be gentlyswaying and I thought she was having a seizure but when I put my handon her she sprang up again and was right as rain!

Silly bunny, she gave me heart failure!!
hehe do they look like this? princessloves to was scary the first few times..i'd creep over to makesure she was still breathing :shock: but she's just a flopperlol



:pThe same with Emmy! I was doing myhomework late at night..and Emmy's cage was right next to mine..I heardthis weird shuffle and looked down and saw Emmy floped down..she wassleeping! I squeaked and Emmy just woke up like she heard a hurricane.

I've heard that when yoru bun{s} do this..there really happy.

xoxox Emmy and I
awww look at bramble's belly!!! :D

and princess is a sweetie bun.. she'll give kisses..and she takestreats so daintily and sits back down to eat them.. her brother mrlicks only rarely nose nudges.. and rips the treats from your hand likeyou're going to eat them first lol

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