Weird noises?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Cayuga County, New York, USA
When she sleeps she makes this noise that almost sounds like a frog makes. I don't know how to explain it! It is like... kind of like a noise of plopping water. It is so difficult to explain really. When she gets in a deeper sleep it gets louder and sounds like two pieces of rubber or something rubbing together. I have no clue what it is. o_O Maybe if I could record it I could just show you all but.. is she just snoring or should I take her to the vet and get her checked out? :/
If she's just making it when she sleeps, my guess would be that it's just snoring, I have a little bun that makes funny little noises when she sleeps, she's also a very vocal bun when she's awake, makes cute little squeaky sounds just like her mom.
She screamed yesterday. I just got her and everything; when I picked her up to put her into her cage she freaked out and literally screamed. I've never heard that noise come out of a rabbit. I haven't been bugging her much so she can calm down and get use to the place, but yeah my other two buns aren't really vocal so its new lol.
My bun snores sometimes, but I've never heard her make a noise other than a grunt.
She's probably just a heavy sleeper with a snoring problem, she might be embarrassed by it, like most ladies are!

I have a cat that will rattle the house with her snores. Its so bad.
Rabbits screaming is such a freaky thing. She should settle down. She already looks a little calmer in the new pic you posted. The mom of my squeaky baby is also very vocal. She's the one I got that got all nervous with me trying to handle her when I first got her. She would squeak and grunt at me when ever I opened her cage door. So I left her alone, she LOVED oats, so I would give her a pinch of oats, and now she's not scared of me at all and just loves her nose rubs. Bribes can work wonders :)
I've never heard a snoring bunny, but I really want to hear one haha. I've heard Harvey snort and grunt. The grunt always makes me laugh because he grunts when he wants his oats faster and it's so not intimidating haha.
Lol. bunny snors are funny. Dad's rabbit Sonny snores and it makes me laugh every time. It's kind of like a cross between a grunt and a squeak. Petals squeaks and grunts when she gets picked up. She get so scared when picked up that I have to cuddle her and she hides her head under my chin. Last night Melody got a bath because the flea stuff that I put on him left his fur really yucky and when he was done the whole time he sat on the counter licking himself afrewards while I tried to dry him he grunted at me. It was like " Really Mom, did you have to do this to me?"
Gary gives a small squeek when I pick him up "mom, don't eat me!"

Sophie is more feisty and will grunt at the cats if they get too close or if I kiss her ears.

Panda snores, it is so freaking cute!

Becky grunts when she eats like a tiny piggy.

For a "silent" pet they really do make a good deal of noise at times. Particularly when they play they love to make as much noise as possible.

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