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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2007
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Manchester, , United Kingdom
After the othertopic of weird foodsthey like,I was thinking about all the "treat" foods ourrabbit has no interest in whatsoever: Oat flakes, applesandraisins. She does like carrots but leafy vegetables shejust spreads around the kitchen. Has anyone else found this?
Mocha doesn't like fruit, except forblueberries. The cheeky little monkey actually gives me thebutt for offering fruit!:shock:

Oberon hates canned pumpkin, but all my other rabbits beg for it. Oh well, more for them.
Floppy is not much into carrots, but he does like the green tops off them. Also he didn't like Basil..
My bunny doesn't like parsley what-so-ever. Somefoods she won't eat right away, but will eventually if I leave it inher cage, like carrots. But she won't have anything to do with parsley.
Pebbles would probably eat anything I put infront of her. Poppy hates fresh papaya, but will go crazy for driedpapaya.. Hmm.. Odd bunny? ;):craziness
If it is edible mine will eat it. Shoot they will eat even if it's not.
Cucumbers, she will throw them out of the cageat me. That is the ONLY thing I have found that she doesn't like toeat. She is my piglet! :eats:

Katrina is too young to eat lots of veggies butI have tried a few times with a tiny piece of lettuce (vet told me totry it) and she will not eat it. Now I have to find another veggie totry with.
Get ready it is long:


carrots(will eat tops tho)



lettuce(eats spinich)


blueberrys(but loves strawberrys and black berries)

cucumber(loves zuchini)

hates bannana (loves bannan chips)

despises radish

Raph eats everything. ;)

Well, except for his meds...he always has to make a face first beforehe'll accept his Meloxicam (and Raph making a face is hilarious!), andfor his glucosamine/chondroitin, I have to mush it into a banana. Eventhen he'll yank the banana from my hand and begin chowing down, only toopen his mouth and let the entire contents of mushy banana pour out ifhe gets one taste of the stuff.

Anna...well, she doesn't like bananas. Or oranges. Other than that,she's got a pretty healthy appetite too - with the waistline to showfor it.

I keep telling her I'm gonna call Jenny Craig soon and sign her up...she just ignores me. :?
It's funny...

Maisie LOVES raisins, but won't touch Craisins...

Flower LOVES Craisins, but snubs raisins...

Trixie LOVES banana...haven't tried Craisins or raisins with her yet.

What a goofy bunch!! :D