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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
Fenny's been improving over the past week,amazingly. Yesterday, despite dust, pollen, and a driving wind,Fenwick's nose was clear and dry for the first time inyears. After today's rain, the pink is fading to gray and nomoisture in the fur. He's pulled the old scabs and junk off, and looksnearly normal. Haven't heard sneezes in some time.

I simply cannot believe it. He's improved brieflybefore(i.e., no scabs, discharge slight,thin and clear instead ofthick opaque), but it was traceable to rain, lack of pollen, etc. Whyhe's suddenly improving despite the presence of allergy triggersis beyond me. I'm sneezing my head off, and he's fine.

Two days of clean and dryis too soon to hope (I tell myself),but I'm glad he has at least a respite from his chronic snuffly nose.This winter it was so bad it cracked on top. :(

Now he looks happy.

Oh, if this continues, both Fenny and I will be on cloud 9!!!!:D

Yay Fenwick! That is great news Rose, I too willhope that it lasts. At least he has had a few days to enjoy the springwithout the snuffles!

How is the rest of the crew doing? Any new pictures (Especially of BUB!!)??

Fergi's mom
That's so exciting. My allergies areawful too, I can't believe he is just fine. Animals arestrange and mysterious things. LOL


Fenny's nose remains clean and dry, and hair is growing back in. Can't believe how cute he is.:D

But this is really weird: the hair growing back has no pigment. It's dead white. He's a chocolate tort.

He's had that problem for so long....wonder if that has something to do with the white hair?

I'm still baffled as to the sudden improvement, but so glad that he's happy.
