Weeping Eye

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, , Australia
I came home tonight to find Lambsie with a weeping eye. It has that wet look around one eye, and the fluid is clear.

He was fine this morning and ate some carrot and some of a hard chew block I gave him for dinner so possibly not his teeth?

It doesn't appear swollen, I can't see anything in it and have bathed it with warm salty water just in case.

Could he have just poked it on something? I'm keeping him under observation to make sure he doesn't go off his food.

Oh and we haven't had any recent bonding sessions as the last few ended in fights and I was giving them a bit of a break from each other, so I don't think it's and injury from that.

Interesting. It's possible that a bit of hay got in his eye. I only worry about something (other than diarrhea or stasis or an obvious wound) if it lasts for more than 24 hours. If it's still around tomorrow, it's worth getting checked out.

He could have been chewing on the chew block with his front teeth, when the back tooth roots are the problem. Bunnies with tooth root problems don't always alter what they eat, since it's only painful up near the eye, not in the mouth.

It also could be a blocked tear duct, which is relatively simple to treat, but can also be a sign of underlying tooth root problems. You can gently feel for lumps and bumps around his cheek teeth and jawline, check for symmetry. A vet can do this too, if it persists.

good luck!
Ok well I couldn't feel any bumps in his face, and he isn't favoring that side or anything.

This morning, its only a little wet in the corner, not all around the bottom of the eye like yesturday so perhaps he just got something in it?

What do you think? The exotics vet I normally see isn't avalible until wednesday :(

if it is still weepy tomorrowI would make an appt for Wed if you can...........
there is no way that youcould tell yourself if he has toothroot issues or eventear duct issues
best to havethe vet check it out
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the help :) I've booked him into the first avaliable appointment at the exotics vet on thursday morning. I'll monitor him closley until then.

our tear ducts-are in the open,our tears run down our face,..a rabbit has internal tear ducts-to its mouth,..one or both eyes may be affected-by a semi/blocked duct,.this means the diet must be adjusted for at least 70%-fiber crucial to their health//and less pellets only quarter cup every other day until the eye/eyes clear up,./possibly will require a skull radiogragh-$150.00 inspected by an-exotic- specialist(dvm)..may then need an antibiotic,plus eye drops with antibiotic,..this is not meant to scare you,.try the diet first,.but you need to know where this could be going,//rabbits are consumate chewers,even try fruit tree twigs,branches-the eye teeth are probably growing into the tear duct where left untreated will cause infections,..godbless-james waller