Weekend from Hell!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Oh my gosh! I have had the worst weekend ever. :tantrum:Yesterday, my cable was out all day and I had nothing to do but sit around in the air conditioning and read a book. That was okay though, no cable for a day (and thus internet) isnt that bad, right?

Well, to make everything so much worse. I have had this noise above my bedroom for a few months. It sounded like a scratching, so I assumed it was mice. I have been putting out live traps and nothing has worked. I was getting so frustrated bc it was really interfering with my sleep and I didnt want to have to use poison or anything...I just felt awful. So, yesterday Im lying in bed (bored and reading) and all of a sudden a piece of drywall crumbles down and theres a little whole (and crack) in my ceiling. This is very odd to me bc this house is only 4 years old. Mice couldnt have chewed through the drywall, right?:no

So I go up in the attic (in 90 degree heat it was awful) and I see bees!! I go outside and I see there are bees swarming around the roof area where my room is. Turns out that noise has been bees clicking against the drywall! I have no clue how much damage has been done, but it has to be a lot bc they're coming through the drywall/ceiling! And I called my dad for help and he tells me the ceiling could collapse and I need to get myself and the bunnies out of the room and shut the room off asap. So I spent my entire evening moving Basil and Max and my bed and everything into another room!

Then, to make everything so much more fun, my power goes out today! It was like 90 degrees with no fans or anything. I felt so bad for the bunnies. We were all sweating and they were pissed off about being relocated. And now I have to deal with these bees on top of everything!

What a weekend from hell! Good news is I was just about to pack up and take the gang over to my parents when the power came back on. :sighThank the lord. Now if I can just get these bees out of my house! Ahh!

:rant Just needed to vent! Hope you all are having a better time than I am!

Aww, Sweetie...I've been there with it seeming like everything is going wrong. Maybe you should just spend the weekend away from your place, relaxing and chilling out (literally...hehe). Is there anywhere you can go that you can take the buns for a weekend or at least a day so you can have a nice time away from all the frustration?
Hey there!

Ive calmed down a bit :) My power (and air conditioning, thank god) are on now...so everything is seeming a bit better. Basil and Max are slowly getting settled in the new room and forgiving me for the quick move. Tumnus has cooled off and forgiven me for the lack of airconditioning and fans. That long hair was hot for him today!

My boyfriend just got back..he was gone all weekend so that made everything worse for me. He and my dad are going out tonight with some spray to try and get rid of these bees. They have to use a huge ladder though bc our roof is so high..but they're gonna spray in the nest area and see if they can get them all. I just hope the bees dont get ticked off and try to come into the house. That room is completely shut off, so if they do, theyre not going anywhere.

I really do wish I could get away, but I have to work all week. Maybe next weekend. Its always so hard to go anywhere with the buns though because they're so weird in new places. and I hate leaving them :-(

We'll see....Everythings looking a bit better now (its amazing what 20 degrees can do to my stress levels!)

Wish me luck with these crazy bees!

Good luck, Haley!! I'm sure everything will turn out great! :)

I'm so happy to hear that things have gotten better. I know what you mean...when your man is out-of-town, things always seem 1000% worse, don't they? :(
Oh dear :(

I am allergic to bees so I would be fretting and scared to death!

We had a racoon in our attic this spring tho. :shock:
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Oh dear :(

I am allergic to bees so I would be fretting and scared to death!

We had a racoon in our attic this spring tho. :shock:

I have never in my life been stung by a bee... so I'm terrified of the unknown. (And I'm a wimp!)


Here's a shot I took of my ceiling when I heard scurrying.... I poked at the tiles with a broom handle, but couldn't see anything, couldn't get the tiles in place, thought I'd take a pic of them and show it to the landlady in a bid to replace the greytiles with some nice bright white ones... And it looked weird so I blew up the shot... And...


That's a little brown squirrel. I went to try and move her out of there but realized she had a nest and was afraid I'd separate her from her babies. Turned out she had just one baby (I think). I ended up scaring him a few months later causing him to abruptly leave the nest, but it was all good. He moved into the yard and still comes and visits. And I think we've got the hole plugged. (I didn't mind having her living in my false ceiling, even though the scurrying was rather distracting, but I wasn't sure what would happenif she decided to drop in on the bunnies. Literally.:biggrin

sas :cool:and the wild thing :elephant:

You can always try to call the county and see if they are able to help you get the bees out. Maybe pest control would come and get them for nothing? I know I sure would not want a mess of bees in the walls of my house mad at me!
Thanks for the tips guys.

sas, that is just too cute. Thats what I was waiting for when that piece of drywall opened up...I was just waiting for a little head to poke through. Knowing my bunnies, they would attack any little visitor who happened to "drop in"!

My dad came over last night and we got a ladder and sprayed up there where the bees where coming in. I think we got them and that was their only exit to outside. Then, we opened up that hole in my bedroom and you could see the bees trying to come out that way, as their other hole was filled with the spray. We were able to stick a straw up there and get them that way. This was all out war!

I think that we got them all. I didnt hear any more noises and I went outside and didnt see any around the eaves. Lets just hope there isnt too much damage. We're going to wait a few days and make sure we dont see any more, and then get up in the attic to assess the damage.

Im really glad I caught this when I did. Its so dangerous how they can collapse drywall..and it was right above my bed!

I am so sorry for all the uproar and wish I could give some good advice but it seems everyone else has done that. SO good luck and give the buns a kiss from all of us

Baci, :apollo:Delilah, and :brownbunnyCubby ( who really thinks she deserves a better pic)
Thanks Baci and everyone for your kind words :)

Things are really great today. We went and looked and no more bees. We got all of them. Poor buggers didnt even see it coming :-(

Just to be safe, the bunnies and I will stay in the other room until we're 100 percent sure that its safe. We need to go in and remove the hive and patch up the hole in the ceiling. We have a 3 bedroom bi-level condo (for 2 ppl), so its really huge....I have lots of room, but I do miss my own room...

Its nice though bc I only live 15 minutes from my parents, so I always have the option of going over there. They do have 2 dogs and 3 cats though, so it can be quite a zoo if I show up with 3 rabbits! They love my boys though, who wouldnt?

Anyway, thanks guys and hopefully its all uphill from here!

-Haley and the boys
Mom used to have a pet chipmunk :)

She found her on the road - eyes still closed - on Mother's day, the day which my daughter was babtised.... as she left our church!

Tazzy lived for 7 years and that's LONG for a little munky.

Hi Haley!

OMG what weekend you had!!

I was back in Michigan this past weekend. It was soooo HOT!!
My motel had AC, but my sister's farmhouse doesn't. Dozens of fans, but when it's close to 100 it doesn't make much difference. We had some heavy thunderboomers come through, but luckily we didn't loose the electricity.

I stayed in Tecumseh, about an hour SW of Detroit. The Tecumseh Inn Motel. I don't know where you're located, but they're animal friendly....and they've got a GREAT pizza place right next door.....Big Boy across the street...and a Bush's, too! The room had a little fridgerator, microwave, and a coffemaker. Got a great rate on expedia for $60 a night for two peeps. Not sure what the rate for bunnies is.


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