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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Land o' buns, New Jersey, USA

My back went out over the weekend and got progressively worse, so I ended up taking the day off yesterday.
Can't sit, stand, walk, lay down, etc.
Reposed to the recliner for the better part of the day.
I'm at work now, but wish I had stayed home.
Got my heating pad with me so that a little bit of comfort.
Nothing but Tylenol for the pain.
I get grumpy when my back hurts.
I wanna go home.
Aww Jim - I hope you feel better soon.:hug2: Back pain is the worst!:(

There was an earthquake here last night (although hardly a big is the UK!:pStill, the biggest in 25 years.:shock:)

Apparently some people felt it up here....I'm a deep sleeper and had no idea till I turned on the news this morning.;) Trust this country to blow it out of proportion though,:craziness its all over the news and yet it's hardly anything compared to some of the massive ones elsewhere where people get killed.:shock:We just got a few chimney pots falling off!:p
Jim, your back is supposed to be better isn't it?! You had surgery! right?!

I wish I had stayed in bed all day :(

I feel awful but I am seeing improvement on my throat - I really think it was tonsilitis or strep. The antibiotics are working at least some!

I hate bills. I hate dealing with them and I hate trying to make ends meet when it's such a bad economy and everything seems to have doubled!

*whine along with Jim*
Bunnys_rule63 wrote:
Aww Jim - I hope you feel better soon.:hug2: Back pain is the worst!:(

There was an earthquake here last night (although hardly a big is the UK!:pStill, the biggest in 25 years.:shock:)

We just got a few chimney pots falling off!:p

Thanks for the well wishes!

I was just looking at some of the news articles about the quake.
Do you have to carry special insurance for your chimmney? (JK) Seems like a lot of them got damaged.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Jim, your back is supposed to be better isn't it?! You had surgery! right?!

I wish I had stayed in bed all day :(

I feel awful but I am seeing improvement on my throat - I really think it was tonsilitis or strep. The antibiotics are working at least some!

I hate bills. I hate dealing with them and I hate trying to make ends meet when it's such a bad economy and everything seems to have doubled!

*whine along with Jim*

I've had 3 back surgeries far :(.

The first thing they'll want me to do is Physical Therapy. 3 times a week.
That'll cost me $30 per visit, and 2 hours of time....neither of which I really have.

I'm holding out for the total bionic Sharper Image!!!!:biggrin2:
For now, I'll have to settle for my orthopaedic t-shirts.:p

Penni, I think you have the same thing my daughter has. The Dr. thought there was a good chance it was strep, but didn't even do the culture....just put her right on Zithromax. She was feeling much better after 2 days of meds.

Gasoline is up to $3/gal ...FOR REGULAR!!!
Groceries cost $65 more this week....for almost exactly the same stuff.
Everything is going up 'ceptin' my pay.:grumpy:
JimD wrote:
Everything is going up 'ceptin' my pay.:grumpy:

I worked everyday 7 days a week, for the last 2 years. The only time I got off was Christmas and New Years. I even worked when I was sick with the flu.

Now I asked for two days off at Easter. Do you think I deserve it?

That is my whine...

Jim, I feel AWFUL in some ways.... feels like my sore throat goes into my chest!

Hubby has the headache tonight.....

I have to work tomorrow *wahhhhh*

I know what you mean about $65 more on the groceries. It's like that here! We spend about $200 plus we stop for bread and milk sometimes mid-week depending upon what we've made for dinners and breakfasts.

Plus we eat out at least one time!

Bo B Bunny wrote:

JimD wrote:

He's a comicbook "hero".

He's all red.

When they found him, they thought he was a little red monkey with a big fist.

He grew horns when he got older, but ground them off so he might fit in better.

He likes chili and has lots of cats.

He likes Baby Ruth candybars.

His girlfriend can set things on fire.



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