Wednesday Weigh-In

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Elf Mommy

Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Elven Grove, Florida, USA
Well, I lost 3 1/2 pounds this week. :)

Please share your successes so we can celebrate with you

or...if you stayed the same or gained this week, let us know so we can commiserate and pep you up for the upcoming week :)


I don't have a scale at home. I had some good days and some bad days.

I'm having ups and downs like Cristy, so I haven't weighed myself recently.

Congrats to MBLM and EM for the weight you've lost. Keep up the good work at shedding those pounds!


My weight stayed he same but I amstill celebrating because I took my measurements and havelostseveral inches and have gone down a size in the last 8weeks!

Maybe the brownies and ice-cream that Iwas burying myself in on my lonely days doomed my weight loss thisweek......;)

I've lost another pound, so I've lost five pounds total since I've started. :D

Actually, MyBunnyLovesMe, a pound or two a week is what you're supposedto loose, for a healthy, long term weight loss. :) Slowly but surelywins the race.
Very awesome Raspberry! I'm going to find my tapemeasure so I can do that part too. I was originally going to go just onclothing sizes, myself, but you all are the impetus for me to look atweight as well. Keep up the good work, and come chat on those lonelydays! We'll keep you snacking ;)

Yayyy Stephanie! Congrats on your pound lost! It's true that doing it slowly is much more healthy.

As a side note, I probably have a lot more weight to lose than manypeople (at the start of my diet in September it was more than half mytotal weight--so I had to lose a whole me), so my pounds may come offquicker here at the start when I'm so heavy. As I lose, I expect to hitplateaus and points where it will get a lot harder to lose even withall I'm trying to do. I'm going to need a lot of support, and I'mreally glad you all are here.

Cristy, I didn't have a scale at home either until this past Christmas.It was a present from my husband (not received well, either LOL). Whenit got to the point that I couldn't stand on a public scale withoutbeing embarrased...I knew it was time for me to have one in private. Mykids love to weigh themselves at our local grocery store.

Pam, I can't believe you have pounds to shed! You look so great in thepictures you've shared. :) I hope your ups and downs even out for you.:)

I'm at a bit of adifferent spot than Elf Mommy....I think I'm at a plateau right now. Ilost a little quicker last fall but I think I'm in a settling mode orsomething right now. Funny thing is, even though the pounds aren'tcoming off the inches still are....that's a good thing! :)

Walking is one of the best ways to get in shape, Nepo.

I've been bad this week about going downstairs to use the gym, but Ihave been doing workouts in my apartment. Plus, when I had to go to themall yesterday to pick up something we ordered, I walked around thewhole mall (it's HUGE) to get in a bit of a workout.
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
I'm at a bit of a differentspot than Elf Mommy....I think I'm at a plateau right now. I lost alittle quicker last fall but I think I'm in a settling mode orsomething right now. Funny thing is, even though the pounds aren'tcoming off the inches still are....that's a good thing! :)

Rasberry, if you are loosing fat but building muscle, muscleweighs more than fat does, so you would notice a slimmer you with notmuch weight change:)
Welll done everyone! :) Ilost 3 lbs... had lost 4 by Sunday but I think it was due todehydration due to the alcohol I had, so 3lbs for the week isn'tbad! :)

Ang xx
Good job girls!

I plan to start loosing weight as soon as I get over mycostochrondritis (inflammation of the chest joints). This illness lasts2 to 6 weeks and makes walking distances hard. When I first noticed Ihad a problem, I couldn't walk 20 feet without being out of breath. Iwas also loading myself on 800 mg of motrin 3 times a day. It comeswith chest pains as well and thats what the motrin was for. I'm gettingbetter tho LOL! I can walk about 60 feetbefore I get outofbreath now! So I have wait till I get better before I canreally start loosing wieght. :?

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