We really wanna adopt a second bun.

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
We are moving into a much larger apartment next week. Fraggles is getting her own room! But we have been talking about "adoption". I want a elop so bad. All that ear dragging! But Fraggles hates other buns. Is there any hope on us ever getting a second bunny.
Fraggles is and always will be our heart bunny but a second would be so wonderful. A bonded pair! All that grooming! I want it! Any help, has anyone ever had a bunny hating bunny
Aw, you've been bitten by the bunny bug! If *you* want a second bun, I would really recommend that you go into the adoption with the full expectation of that new bunny being a single bunny. If possible, have your prospective bunny meet your Fraggles and see how they do. If there is instant hostility, at least you have that information when deciding whether to adopt that bunny. If you want a second bunny only if she/he bonds with Fraggles then you will have to do some bunny dates and let Fraggles be the one who decides who should be your second bunny.

Elops are adorable... I wish you good luck!
If Fraggles gets to choose a new bunny then we are NOT getting one. Fraggles has met other buns before and has greeted them with thumping,charging and boxing. After meeting Fraggles a lionhead lost her mane. We housed a little foster doe for about a week and could never let them out together. When Fraggles was out she would go to the other cage and try to fight the other bun threw the bars.
is fraggles fixed?

there is a bunny out there for everybun, just gotta find that one bun
On what terms has Fraggles met the previous rabbits? Your description of her interaction with the foster girl doesn't preclude bonding, it sounds like a fairly average reaction. Two females are not the best match and bringing an unknown female into her territory that would be the reaction I'd expect from most buns. Although the other bun was caged, for rabbits it's roughly the equivalent of dropping any rabbit into another's territory i.e. expect a fight.

Has Fraggles ever met a neutered male on neutral territory? Unless a female bun has done that then it's very difficult to predict their true reaction to having a partner.

My suggestion would be to get intouched with an experienced rabbit rescue that does bonding so she can go and meet a neutered male on totally neutral territory under the guidance of someone experienced with bonding.

I think an English Lop is likely to be impractical for a few reasons though, one their ears are easily torn so it's not a great idea to try them with another bun you are unsure of the reaction of, and two they are harder to find in rescue so the odds of getting a neutered male with the right temperament of pretty low. Temperament of the other rabbit will be important with a doe with a tendency towards aggression so you'll need a male that is laid back but not nervous so he won't immediately retaliate if she's a bit feisty.
Elops are wonderful. They are a very laid back & loveable breed. They are very rare, and true you will be hard pressed to find one in a rescue. I have Elops and their ears do take a bit of extra care... I wouldnt say they tear easily though, but you do have to keep their nails constantly trimmed as they trample on their big floppies alot. Also, they are a very large breed averaging about 10-11 pounds so they require a great deal of personal space. I would Not recommend an Elop to a novice rabbit owner, nor an owner who has another rabbit who is confrontational (like your Fraggle)- its just not realistic and makes for a very unhappy living environment for both buns.
If you really want another bun, go to a rescue and see who grabs your heart. There are so many buns out there in need of good homes. And if you just have to have those flppy ears I would suggest a mini-lop or a holland before I would ever suggest you getting an Elop.
It could also just be that Fraggle wants to be an "only" bunny. The best thing to do is always show loyalty to the animal you already have. If you dont think Fraggle will be loving & receptive toward another bun then why disturb her piece of mind & happiness? Just a thought.
With my rabbits- we bonded Solara and Sabriel in the bath tub. It was slippery, hard to get a grip, and we ran the vacuum just outside the door so it'd make them nervous and look to each other for comfort. That might help a bit. But you gotta put them down at the same time, otherwise they'll decide that's their's immediately and then they will fight.

You should make sure that Fraggles can't get to the other rabbit through the cage when she is out during play time. One fight- it's all over. They'll probably never bond correctly.

And fighting rabbits can have really bad after affects. I adopted a fourth rabbit whom I was going to bond Silas to. She escaped, attacked my bonded pair through their pen, and Sabriel freaked out and ended up breaking his leg in fear. We had to separate Solara and Sabriel after that (now all three of my buns are separate) and from that point- we had to get Sabriel a whole new space and it put us at a lack of space for this aggressive rabbit. We had to take her back. Sometimes I wish I could have kept her. But it was just too risky and she wouldn't have been happy with other rabbits around. Plus she wouldn't have a big space anymore. :[ I still miss her, despite what happened.

Before I bonded Solara and Sabriel, I kept their cages/pens close but so they couldn't reach each other so they got used to each other's presence (they recommend to not start the bonding process until after they've lived separate close to each other for a little while). We also switched their food bowls and they recommend to switch their litterboxes too.

I also agree with everything tamsin said. :]
You never know who Fraggles may pick. I took Becky to date at the HRS and she ended up with Cindi. Apparently Cindi had rejected many male buns, but she took to Becky right away. If you really want another rabbit just keep going on dates until you find the perfect guy. :)
You sort of have 2 options here. 1 is to get another rabbit and have them as singles. The other is to go to a rescue for bunny dates and see if there is anybun that Fraggles can get along with and hope they bond.

If you go for option 1, then you have to give each rabbit their own space. While they might get along, that is not the reason you get the second rabbit. Basically with this option you are getting the rabbit for yourself and not for Fraggles to have a buddy.

Option 2 could take months or even years to find the right bunny. It could mean many trips to the rescue and if you find one you will still have to bond them. With this, you are holding out for the right rabbit. There would still be no guarantee that they would get along, so you need to be prepared for that.

One thing you could do is foster a rabbit for a rescue. This can allow you to see how she does with another rabbit in the house without the commitment of having to keep the rabbit if it is a disaster. Fostering can also be a way to have a rabbit for a few weeks to try bonding. If it works you can adopt the rabbit, if not then the rabbit can still be up for adoption.

What you really need to think about is if you are getting a rabbit for you or for Fraggles. If you get it for you, then you have to be prepared for 2 separate rabbits. If you get it for her, then you have to be prepared to find the right one. A rabbit for you means you can pick the breed, sex, age, colour (to a certain extent), a rabbit for Fraggles means you get what she wants.

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