You sort of have 2 options here. 1 is to get another rabbit and have them as singles. The other is to go to a rescue for bunny dates and see if there is anybun that Fraggles can get along with and hope they bond.
If you go for option 1, then you have to give each rabbit their own space. While they might get along, that is not the reason you get the second rabbit. Basically with this option you are getting the rabbit for yourself and not for Fraggles to have a buddy.
Option 2 could take months or even years to find the right bunny. It could mean many trips to the rescue and if you find one you will still have to bond them. With this, you are holding out for the right rabbit. There would still be no guarantee that they would get along, so you need to be prepared for that.
One thing you could do is foster a rabbit for a rescue. This can allow you to see how she does with another rabbit in the house without the commitment of having to keep the rabbit if it is a disaster. Fostering can also be a way to have a rabbit for a few weeks to try bonding. If it works you can adopt the rabbit, if not then the rabbit can still be up for adoption.
What you really need to think about is if you are getting a rabbit for you or for Fraggles. If you get it for you, then you have to be prepared for 2 separate rabbits. If you get it for her, then you have to be prepared to find the right one. A rabbit for you means you can pick the breed, sex, age, colour (to a certain extent), a rabbit for Fraggles means you get what she wants.