We got a thumper

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Occassionaly when my husband or I pick up Pepperand then put her down a little later... she thumps her foot once ortwice. Now she doesn't seem to mind being held butwill occassionaly do the foot thump once she is put back on thefloor. I've read that foot thumping means they are angry orupset... but are there any other reasons they do that. I hateto think she is upset when she doesn't seem to show it when she isbeing held. I'm just curious.
If you think about it - she can't thump whileshe's being held. So yes, she is expressing her feelings bythumping. My buns do it a lot when they are held ifthey didn't want to be held.

We once gave Kyo medicine and he not only thumped...but when mydaughter offered him a raisin - he THREW it at her. She wastelling him she was the "head bunny" and I was rolling on the floortrying to not laugh so hard.

Personally, I find it funny when my bunnies thump even though I knowthey're maybe frustrated at me. At least they feel like theycan express themselves.

I'm also fortunate that I haven't had Tiny thump yet....I'm not surewhata 9+ pound rabbit thumping sounds like!

LOL... I figured that was probably what is was,but I hate to think that at the same time. Normally she justloves being held. So how do you tell if they don't want to beheld if they don't thump until it's too late? Makes no senseto me. I can't avoid holding her if I don't know when shelikes it or doesn't like it.
Mrs. Sniffles has done that a few times,although she is a squirmy one. I have read many of the sitesand books about the behavior of rabbits and I think generally it iscorrect but just like humans and shrinks/psycology (sp)thathas to be personalized.

When Mrs. Sniffles has done it is has seemed to be more an act ofdefiance, as in you can't hold me down oh no.... i've got to keep onmovin, rather than the bugger off i hate you sort of thing.

Just my gut feeling....
Maybe she / heis Mad you put him/her down , when not ready ?

I have one when you hold himhe will actually come over toyou and thump if you puthim down , If you dont pickhim back up he willthen attempt to climb your leg.when that fails hewill again* thump * and startall over . I think you willfind its just bunnys wayof saying im either happyor unhappy with a situation ,To say they are mad oragitated yes maybe but it maybe because you put therabbit down notbecause the rabbitdidnt want to be held in the first place ,

all rabbits are differentyou need to look at the situation andtry something else to get a good ideaof what is happening.

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