So Weston's fur has started to become a bit wavy. It's also really shiny and fluffy. I'm still not sure what breed he is, are there any breeds with wavy fur?
My youngest bun had wavy hair on his legs. It went away after a few grooming sessions. It was kinda cute.. I'm going to google that too, sounds interesting.
K, so I googled, that's not what I was talking about lol. My buns looked more like when curly hair that was straightened and gets a little wet...weird.
Peter gets wavy when he's shedding. Sometimes he goes from back to front or front to back and every now an then he sheds from bottom to top on both sides and ends up with a Mohawk.
My dwarf bun just had kits and two of her kits have wavy fur too. Kinda like a Rex, but longer and wavier. Curly whiskers and all. I was given dad and told he was a dwarf and I know mom is pure. There is a wavy bunny revolution going on. Lol