Water bottle fun

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I agree that you have to pay attention. I haveone pair of rabbits that have bowls instead of bottles..they are alwaysgetting pellets or something else like hay or a toy in the bowl so Ihave to watch it all the time. :bunnydance:
peapoo uses a water bottle, but sometimes i put a bowl in there to give her a break..she seems to like both of them the same...

she also turns her head to the side almost upside down....i triedmoving the bottle up and moving it down, but she still does it:?
yes...all night long...lol... and sometimes shebutts her head up against it for some dumb reason...gets her head allwet and everything..guess she gets angry when it doesnt come out asfast as she wants it to...silly bunny:D
LOL!! Thank GOD I got used to thesound of water bottle drinking when I had my three tripletgerbils. Otherwise, that'd be driving me crazy,too!

That's too funny about her doing that with her head, and getting all wet because of it...what a dork! LOL!!

peapoo_bunny wrote:
yes...all nightlong...lol... and sometimes she butts her head up against it for somedumb reason...gets her head all wet and everything..guess she getsangry when it doesnt come out as fast as she wants it to...sillybunny:D
Neither of my new buns are fond of the waterbottle. They both have bowls for water, and I finally managedto find two dishes from the kitchen that they can't knockover. Fred keeps stepping in his and getting his paw soaked,and then he'll hop out and stand on me and get *me* wet too!I think a dish is better for Fred at his age. He eats anddrinks so much that his litter tray needs to be completely changed atnight, and sometimes in the morning too! Zorro has the samedishes and food, but he only soils up less than half of the litter inhis tray! It is much easier, though, to just dump and refillFreds than it is to get the scoop and scoop out the half from Zorro :p

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